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Goodbye to my best friend of 20 years

You were always there for me and kept my spirits up, you made me laugh when I was sad. I wish I was there for you when you had your final moments. I spent thousands keeping your health up, I would spend every dime just to be able to be with you at the end to say goodbye. I am glad you were with my family. I should have been there. I know you are in a better place now.


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Rest in peace little one. Loss is never easy and it never will be. It sounds like he/she had a long and happy life with you, even if you couldn't be there for the end. Animals give us so much love and happiness, it will always be a tragedy that their life is so short compared to ours. My condolences.
You were lucky to have 20 years together. Cats are so special and totally underestimated by most people. They are some of the most empathetic creatures contrary to what most say about them being self-serving and aloof. Like I tell myself about my incredible boy who in 14 years touched the hearts of many, be glad to had that precious time together, it makes us all better people even though it’s heartbreaking to see them go.
If only all the dogs, cats and horses of the world had such loving friends and homes....
To lose a friend after so long is the absolute hardest and deepest grief.

My sympathies to you.
If there is any comfort in this sad time I guess its in all the great and happy memories you have together. Thats forever...
I know its hard -
Though be not sad its come to an end.....but maybe celebrate the life and love you shared for so many years.

RIP Puss Puss
A life well-lived is measured by the joy we give others. Every moment and every life matters.