Getting odd content over social medias?


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Well, this is a post that suddenly appeared on my head and i was wondering. Yesterday my s.o was browsing that app that rule Zuckerberg (you know, lol) and some zoo porn suddenly popped on her screen. It wasn't a user's post or anything, it was like the usual "ads" you get over according to your web searches, from what i know she apparently never searched this kind of stuff back again after our very first times talking about the topic like.. 3 years ago. So i was wondering, did some of you get this kind of situation to happen to you? i mean, browsing some social media an suddenly zoo porn popping on a "kinda" ads screen?

Sorry for my awful english, i'm rusty
Not on social media to begin with, and aggressively use ad script and tracking blockers. Corporations
Have no right to know what I do or to shove shit in my face.