First Lick


Just now while sniffing my pussy I opened up my legs wide and he licked it wet I think he likes the smell
Till yesterday I let him watch while I masturbated in front of him and he stared confused and sometimes shocked
Mostly he gets confused at the moment of orgasm coz my legs shiver at the moment
But today he did not even care about my shivering and salivated a lot licking my pussy
I need to buy new socks for him


1. Does Mastiff Neapolitan get super excited when they are urged for sex or a knot?
2. He drools a lot and makes my pussy area so wet is it Normal?
A.....dogs are ALL salivating, some more than others but all do a lot compared to humans.

B.....Any male dog who has not had sex is going to be SUPER SUPER excited at first, just like a teenage boy would be. Some will remain that way, while some will mellow with time and experience and act like they've scored before.

C....breed really has nothing to do with this, EXCEPT that some breeds are more hyper than other breeds.