Feeling ashamed.

I totally get it, there was a time I considered suicide but I realized no matter how much I might wish and pray this is who I am after a few years and just accepted it. I don't know if you live with religious people but I was at home back then and it definitely didn't help.
All my life I was interested in animals. I Read, many a book in the 70's Watched many a 8MM in the 80's. Now I am 70 1/2 and male. I became active 9 years ago. Then I realized I didn't have to get married when I did in 1997. Animals have always been a part of my life. The girls (Dogs) in my life have always been the ones nobody else wanted. My current one is just like the other two. Younger, but not wanted by anyone.

Am I ashamed of my choice. NO. It was MY choice. If you are ashamed of your choice then STOP doing it. Once again it is always your choice to continue or stop. Either way Get over it, and move on to a choice YOU can live with.
Have said it before as long as you aren't hurting anyone else or a thing, then you got to love yourself and realise that it's more common than not to have some form of fantasy fetish or sexuality that is hard to talk about wether related to this or not. Just feels like alone bubble since nobody can outright say what they like and society specially sometimes in close nit community can make you feel like otherwise. No matter who you are. you are probably much more "normal" than you realise, as range of thoughts span wide and far in the general public. Personally before having support of a gf into same things I always realised it's not that abnormal and people aren't black and white on things really. Maybe because back in the day early internet I noticed the popularity of anonymous sites and how many they attracted and stayed highly used from litterly all range of people. Just always drew line at any form of abuse or hurt to another being. Love yourself embrace it enjoy who you are! All starts there
I hate to admit that I feel ashamed of my sexuality. I don’t know why but I feel awful. Anyone go through the same feelings and how did y’all cope?
For me it was knowing I was keeping secrets what was making me feel ashamed. Obviously I won't tell my parents, but I talked about that with my closest friends, and my boyfriend found out while using my phone.

I won't suggest you should do the same. This was my experience and it can be different than yours. Just keep in mind that you ain't hurting anyone, then there's nothing to be ashamed of💖
When I was young I felt the same since I grew up in a rather conservative community, feeling alone and weird. But with getting older, you realize that "normal" by a community isn't the holy grail. For me its important that you respect your partner, never doing any harm and any unwanted actions, consent is the key. Love is something precious, not limited to a species. There is nothing to be ashamed of at all. Just look at a few human relationships, how badly people can treat and fool each other and this is considered the only way to perfection? 1. if God hates me, he had numerous chances to kill me, make me weener fall off and so on. I also never cought fire being in a church, so yeah :p 2. Calm down, I am actively sabotaging my family line. No offspring happens so it will not spread and die out in the end :p Think of it as a variant, not a curse, make the best out of it but keep it to yourself and only reveal it well dosed if even.
What's there to be ashamed of? I sometimes mind the practical impacts of being a zoophile: the lack of attraction to humans (if you are exclusive) makes it difficult to find a soulmate or to found a family and have children, you have to keep your private life a secret and be careful with the law, people and family might find you weird for being single even if they don't know, etc. But I don't agonise over the moral aspects. All the moral counterpoints I've read don't go beyond baby-level arguments like "it's yucky" or "it's rape because the animal doesn't consent like a human does" (when these same people don't have an issue owning pets, fixing them, teaching them to do silly tricks and obviously gorging themselves on meat).
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It's completely normal to experience feelings of shame or guilt when it comes to exploring one's sexuality especially if those desires or interests are considered taboo or non-normative by societal standards. While these emotions can certainly be quite distressing, there are several strategies that you might consider employing in order to help cope with and ultimately overcome them, Seek out support from like-minded individuals who share similar desires or experiences – this could involve joining ( online forums zoovilleforum ) or communities dedicated specifically to discussing bestiality-related topics, attending in-person gatherings where people interested in animal-related activities may be present, etc. By connecting with others who have faced similar challenges and struggles, you can gain valuable insights into potential coping mechanisms and strategies for managing your own emotions more effectively!
I haven't done anything with a female dog and doubt I'll get the chance, but as long as I didn't feel I was forcing myself in her then I wouldn't feel guilty as I'm trying to show her how much I love her. I wouldn't be holding her down and she would be able to walk away.
I hate to admit that I feel ashamed of my sexuality. I don’t know why but I feel awful. Anyone go through the same feelings and how did y’all cope?

This is how most Gay people used to feel, now that it is public and talked about they know they are not alone and some of the public see nothing wrong with it.

One day just maybe we will get that level back. The greeks put it on pottery.
All my life I was interested in animals. I Read, many a book in the 70's Watched many a 8MM in the 80's. Now I am 70 1/2 and male. I became active 9 years ago. Then I realized I didn't have to get married when I did in 1997. Animals have always been a part of my life. The girls (Dogs) in my life have always been the ones nobody else wanted. My current one is just like the other two. Younger, but not wanted by anyone.

Am I ashamed of my choice. NO. It was MY choice. If you are ashamed of your choice then STOP doing it. Once again it is always your choice to continue or stop. Either way Get over it, and move on to a choice YOU can live with.
at first i was ashamed when i was younger as i have got older i understand the feeling being with a animal
I wouldn't say I ever feel ashamed about it but I sometimes suppress it and feel bad in times when it feels like I don't have friends around who would accept me the way I am.

I think for some people it's important to find friends who you can be your true self with, without worrying.
I hate to admit that I feel ashamed of my sexuality. I don’t know why but I feel awful. Anyone go through the same feelings and how did y’all cope?
i dont tell people and i hide it not because im ashamed but because i love my dad and dont want him to die thinking im some kind of fucking monster he'd never understand my feelings after he passes i will be very open about it
I totally get it, there was a time I considered suicide but I realized no matter how much I might wish and pray this is who I am after a few years and just accepted it. I don't know if you live with religious people but I was at home back then and it definitely didn't help.
As far as you don't harm anybody, you don't have to be ashamed of taking pleasure while satisfying an animal pulsions.
It's completely normal to experience feelings of shame or guilt when it comes to exploring one's sexuality especially if those desires or interests are considered taboo or non-normative by societal standards. While these emotions can certainly be quite distressing, there are several strategies that you might consider employing in order to help cope with and ultimately overcome them, Seek out support from like-minded individuals who share similar desires or experiences – this could involve joining ( online forums zoovilleforum ) or communities dedicated specifically to discussing bestiality-related topics, attending in-person gatherings where people interested in animal-related activities may be present, etc. By connecting with others who have faced similar challenges and struggles, you can gain valuable insights into potential coping mechanisms and strategies for managing your own emotions more effectively!
Zoosex is taboo but not every form is criticizable. Female doglovers who like to take care at their pets do nothing wrong. They can be proud to have enough feminity for dogs. Not every woman is able of this.
I hate to admit that I feel ashamed of my sexuality. I don’t know why but I feel awful. Anyone go through the same feelings and how did y’all cope?
I shamed myself out of alot of things i identify as now but i got someone who loves every weird and odd part about me cause we're both messed up lol