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Ever wonder if strangers are into this?

Ever wonder if strangers you see on the street with dogs are into this?

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No need to wonder here, I just take it for granted that some are - as indicated by the statistics. Their choice, their business. :)

Yeah, same here. Especially if it is a woman walking the dog. The mind can't help but wonder why she has left him intact :)

Wanting pups for the family? Guard dog? Health benefits? Surely not...! ;)
I occasionally wonder. Mainly when I see a man with a medium to large sized dog with a big fortune cookie. Or a female with an intact male dog.
I could also flip the script, and wonder if random zoos out and about suspect that I might be a zoophile after encountering me. Since I live alone with my girls and walk them around the neighborhood sometimes.
I could also flip the script, and wonder if random zoos out and about suspect that I might be a zoophile after encountering me. Since I live alone with my girls and walk them around the neighborhood sometimes.
My Labradane rides with me everywhere, and I take her in pet friendly places as well. I'm sure someone has bound to have saw her and wondered if she's more than a simple pet.
All the time, always have since I can remember!! some times go to the off lease beach just to look for likely candidates
Like my doggy, short hair doesn't hide her large cookie at all :LOL:
Mmmm... so I've seen! :p I guess there are positives and negatives of fluffy doggy girls. With long fur you get cute AF butt fluff, but it hides the goods. While with short fur dogs you get to see the good a lot easier, but their ass looks a bit more flat.
Saw a woman at a takeaway recently with familiar scratches showing and wondered if I should say hello.
I always wonder this! Hubby and I were walking down the street a few days ago and we were following a pretty woman walking her very lovely Russian Terrier. I admitted to my husband that whenever I see a lovely doggy, I always think...
1. What a pretty doggy!
2. I wonder how it would be to have sex with him
3. if his owner is as knotty as us.
It's hard not to wonder sometimes, especially whenever on occasion I've seen an over aggressive male dog especially amorous around his female master.
If I though this I think I would become much more jealous, lol.
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I'm always curious. But it's hard to approach an owner and ask them. Gotta figure out a safe way to approach the topic.
If you have the time, have a conversation with them. You can almost tell if they are the approachable of the topic by the way they may speak. Make a few dodgy jokes and see how they react? May be able to turn the jokes into about zoo?
If you have the time, have a conversation with them. You can almost tell if they are the approachable of the topic by the way they may speak. Make a few dodgy jokes and see how they react? May be able to turn the jokes into about zoo?
Hey, do you fuck that dog? lol
I wonder all the time, wife and i met a girl today that her dog was still intact and I wonder if she is into it.