Emotional attraction


Hey everyone ,so I've been looking for my first experience sexually from a male dog for some time now ,but,now I'm starting to have emotional thoughts to like ,I want to get my own male soon and ,not just to submit to him but I want him to sleep in my bed with me , cuddle I want to cook his meal every day and basically treat him as my boyfriend (behind closed doors of course ) I want to feel wanted in everyway ,and yeah even give him the booty when he wants it ,now opening up for descution I want to know if people relate or can help me understand ?and I want to know if these feelings will get stronger once I choose my mate and let him cum in me
Your number one priority for getting a dog should be about love and bonding with him/her. They are emotional and sociable creatures after all, just like you and I. I have had many flings with willing dogs over the years, but I only really fell "in love" with two. (A canine girl from my past, that's no longer in my life, and my current newfie girl.) The flings were enjoyable because they were mutual pleasure, but NOTHING beats making love with a dog you're madly in love with. To me, my newife is pretty much my wife. I spoil her rotten and treat her like a queen, like everyone should with their doggy companions.

As long as you love your dog and your dog loves you back, it's easy to fall head over heels for them. Cuddling, being licked, petting, rubbing, and yes... even love making, are all good ways to exchange serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine from one another (the feel good chemicals that's released by your brain.) I'm sure that you'll fall for your future doggy lover eventually, if not immediately. Canines are good at capturing your heart!
Great post thanks ,yea as soon as I'm in a position to own one that's the plan 😉don't get me wrong I love dogs in general but I guess the sexual attraction came first and the other later maybe its because it's new to me I'm not sure 😅
I can definitely relate to wanting that sometimes, though I want the same thing with humans too, so not sure how it would effect both relationships. Obviously there is the love most people have for there beloved pet, but I also feel like the sexual attraction comes first for me too, over something more romantic.