Dreams about lovers that have passed on



Quite a few nights I have a dream that it is evening going into night time and I'm walking down my very long dirt road I live on (which I love to do everyday, usually not at night though) and my lovers that have passed on (more often my first lover) are in those dreams. And in my dream it's not like I'm haunted by them, it's more like they never left and it is just like another day like when I was 14 playing together and having fun romantically. They are such great dreams to have. I'm usually sick to my stomach missing her so much when I wake up though ?
Most mornings I can't remember any dreams I had, so I don't know how often my boyfriend who died this summer finds his way into my dreams. I remember one time though. In this dream I knew that he had died, so I experienced to have him back as miraculous and really appreciated to see him once more. He disappeared within the dream again before I woke up.
getting a lot of those of my boy who passed this may lately. the worst are the almost-lucid ones that make you actually believe they're real few seconds after you wake up and then reality punches you in the face with "nope, just a dream... again" when you realize he is not there in your arms....
Quite a few nights I have a dream that it is evening going into night time and I'm walking down my very long dirt road I live on (which I love to do everyday, usually not at night though) and my lovers that have passed on (more often my first lover) are in those dreams. And in my dream it's not like I'm haunted by them, it's more like they never left and it is just like another day like when I was 14 playing together and having fun romantically. They are such great dreams to have. I'm usually sick to my stomach missing her so much when I wake up though ?
I feel for you man, it sucks having dreams like that. It kinda makes you wish your dreams were reality.
Most mornings I can't remember any dreams I had, so I don't know how often my boyfriend who died this summer finds his way into my dreams. I remember one time though. In this dream I knew that he had died, so I experienced to have him back as miraculous and really appreciated to see him once more. He disappeared within the dream again before I woke up.
Huh that's interesting
getting a lot of those of my boy who passed this may lately. the worst are the almost-lucid ones that make you actually believe they're real few seconds after you wake up and then reality punches you in the face with "nope, just a dream... again" when you realize he is not there in your arms....
Ooof yeah that is sad ?
My boy I lost 4 years ago he was a beagle my lover for 18 years I've seen him in dreams even at the corner of my eye I miss him dearly I know we'll be together again this separation is on temporary felt so real in my dreams when I was holding him