Dream Beast Game

For a while now I had this idea in mind, of a zoo dating sim. I dont have the money or talent to do something like this but who knows, I might win the lottery and spend a portion of it paying half a dozen artists to make it for me.
The idea would be exclusively mlm. It'd take place in a rather small farm and a small clearing, It'd be a 3ds environment that's not big but it's full of detail and things to do. You are a human twink with a pretty big dick, maybe with some options to change skin and eye color and some selection of short hairs. The style would er to realistic but toony enough to work with a small team and not to make the animal too uncanny. They would have 3d models used in sex scenes and the overworld, and a drawing for their avatars when talking
Each of the characters would have a good ending where you get married and unlock some new scenes with cuddling in bed and lots of messy kisses. Some would have a bad ending, where you end up and as a mindbroken slut, forever.
There are 7 character, each would have a zoo marriage scene, rimming (giving/receiving), blowjob (both), anal (both), masturbation (one sided of course) and french kissing. Some would have unique scenes

The characters:
Duncan, the Donkey
Easy going, relaxed, very friendly, he'll be your tutorial guy and first you'll meet. Pretty easy to fuck but will take some work to marry, as he's a bit self-conscious on not being as desirable as the other horses and is a bit afraid of commitment. He has a special scene where he wears some latex gear and adorably tries (and fails) to dominate you
Loves getting rimjobs, sucking dick and getting masturbated

Lafayette, the show horse
Unbelievably pretty and perfect, but also demeaning, pompous and spoiled. Pretty hard to top him, very easy to bottom to him. Watch out tho, if you obey too much and become too submissive to him, you'll get a bad ending where you become his adoring fan and can only think of pretty horse cum. You could, however, put him in his place and top him, making him your boymare
Loves all signs of submission, secretly LOVES anal

Ogden, the work stallion
huge, quiet, kinda shy, very muscular, massive cock and sweaty balls, he knows why you're talking to him. He's pretty easy to bottom to, he doesn't mind. Doesn't let you top him. At first. But hey, maybe after getting to know him better you'll learn of his more effeminate side, how he too wants to be a pretty girl sometimes and wear make-up and be a bottom bitch. His marriage scene is the only one where you're wearing the tux and he's wearing a dress
Loves messy kisses, bottoming while wearing make-up

Daddy Pig, the-well, pig
Big, fat and VERY dominant. He knows youre a freak. He's down for anything, as long as you know your place as his sow. The most abrasive of the animals, he wont give up until you're his sow, his wanton slut, another pig in the pen for him to use. There's no escaping this one, you can only get the bad ending, where you do get married, but youre completely submitted to him. You are his favorite sow. And you love it. You have to actively go for this ending, moreso than others, by constantly prostrating yourself to him, allowing his humiliation, even begging for it.
Loves submission, messy kisses and mounting the player

Ricardo, the old Bull
Stoic, no nonsense, typical gruff-old-"man" archetype. Doesn't get why youre wasting time on him when there's so many younger, more spry sex horny animals for you to fuck. He's antiquated, the gruff gentleman, and once you get into his heart, he'll be your most adoring husband.
Love's rimming the player, getting bjs and being an old romantic type of guy

Eric, the Great Dane
Kinda stupid but you still love him, he's an airhead and doesnt catch on to your advances for quite a while. (Honestly I haven't though much more for him, he was the newest animal I thought of)
Loves knotting the player and messy kisses

Eibon, The Pack Alpha
A mysterious wolf, always followed by a dozen others, you first meet him going to the clearing, where you get "attacked" by him for some nice con-noncon scene. After that he tells you to fuck off lest he brings his friends. And he does, at first he just think you're an idiot, but he very quickly catches on to your perviness and every now and then brings his pack to have some fun with the player. He gets some nice gangbang scenes and constantly fucks the player into unconsciousness, where he mysteriously wakes up in bed, usually very sore and with some bite marks. He doesnt get a marriage scene, but a "bad" ending where you join the pack as the Alpha's main bitch
Loves gangbangs and submissiveness towards him

I would really love to have some sort of "cum inflation mechanic", as you have consecutive sex with the animals you get more and more full, but idk how badly that would mess with the collision of the 3d models
There'd probably be some menial tasks for you to do, just so it's not sex all the time and have you work for the affection of the animals, but we all know we all want the sex scenes.
So thats mostly it! I have thought of it a good bunch and I really hope to one day get enough money to fund this project, but as is, it's nothing more than a dream
I’d definitely play that game. There has to be something similar out there. There’s already so much furry content on the internet, i bet someone out there has made some great dating sims with a similar idea.
I’d definitely play that game. There has to be something similar out there. There’s already so much furry content on the internet, i bet someone out there has made some great dating sims with a similar idea.
theres forest of love but it doesnt have the big guys I want. Theres one donkey guy which is really really good, but as far as I know theres only one scene with him and its not even with your character, its a voyeur scene. Also no pig. Why are pigs so rare?!
Pigs are crazy rare in furry/yiff stuff. Which is weird cuz they seem like the third most common animal in zoo porn.
there should be even more pig porn. Zoo or otherwise! To me the hottest part is the submission idea. "Yea, I'm enough of a whore go let a pig mount me" and while I think its an urban myth, I still love the idea of being pumped full of cum by another pig
Not a bad idea, but needs a twink / trap horse romance option, unless that was supposed to be Lafayette already. But somehow I read him as more masculine, like a typical male model.

Also I'm not usually a fan of exaggerated stuff like cum inflation mechanics, but that's just me. I'm suspending my disbelief already to engage, if I'm asked to do it too much I lose interest and just can't.
Not a bad idea, but needs a twink / trap horse romance option, unless that was supposed to be Lafayette already. But somehow I read him as more masculine, like a typical male model.

Also I'm not usually a fan of exaggerated stuff like cum inflation mechanics, but that's just me. I'm suspending my disbelief already to engage, if I'm asked to do it too much I lose interest and just can't.
Lafayette is supposed to be very feminine yes, He's smaller than Ogden and leaner. He has a diva type of personality, very bratty and spoiled. And Ogden can be very girly too (albeit still very big) if you play your cards right. And while I do love cum inflation (at the most like, pregnant size belly) if I want this dream game to have full 3d animated sex scenes, that might get in the way. Maybe only in some scenes as the big finisher, and your character loses the belly fairly quickly as youre walking around