Done fucked up & exposed

It's not as simple @dinadina, though. Like @Zoo50 said, the legal situation can change at your new home, too. You can run away a few times, but at some point you'll not just have lost your friends again and again, at some point you may not even have a single place left to move to anymore.

Running away isn't the only option.
You may have luck to succeed with hiding too, but standing up for you right is also an option, and an honorable one.
Standing up for your rights may not always work out. When it doesn't that's when moving becomes an option.
It's not as simple @dinadina, though. Like @Zoo50 said, the legal situation can change at your new home, too. You can run away a few times, but at some point you'll not just have lost your friends again and again, at some point you may not even have a single place left to move to anymore.

Running away isn't the only option.
You may have luck to succeed with hiding too, but standing up for you right is also an option, and an honorable one.

there are times that trying to go on marches and say "let me fuck dogs" or "lets dogs fuck me" would be a huge risk. especialy now that according to statistics the LGBT community is suffering a decline in support because of far left activisem. so the pengalum is going to sway right for probebly a decade.

so when you find a place who has what you need sometimes it can ake time for it to change to something else so you can research for how long is it acceptable there and see if it would keep being steady.
there are times that trying to go on marches and say "let me fuck dogs" or "lets dogs fuck me" would be a huge risk. especialy now that according to statistics the LGBT community is suffering a decline in support because of far left activisem. so the pengalum is going to sway right for probebly a decade.

Personally I am not a fan of marches anyway. Too many people being too close for my taste, at least when you have enough people for the march to have a positive impact. There are other paths that can be taken.

Statistics about support for LGBT wouldn't bother me.

I know you didn't claim it to be, but I would like to add anyway that I don't think that our best bet is with "left" activism. Maybe it would be in the US, but it is not my experience in Europe. The first serious party to draft a prohibition of bestiality in Germany in the 2000s was one generally considered to be part of the left spectrum.

Prostitution of adult, self-employed humans is currently legal in Germany and the more serious approaches to ban it come from the left spectrum. They have already succeeded in other European countries like Sweden and France.

The left may have a tendency to care more about the suppressed, but they may not identify zoos as the suppressed, instead buying the propaganda of animals being victimized by zoos and zoos being the oppressors. The left can be very paternalistic and they tend to like regulations more than freedom.

I am saying this as someone who has been generally more fond of leftist ideas, so this is not due to some negative bias I would have against them.

My suggestion for people doing zoo activism would be to be politically neutral otherwise. I mean, of course you can have an opinion on politics and vote or even be a party member, but don't think that the zoo question would be party politics. People from all parties could be allies and people from all parties could be zoo-political opponents.
Personally I am not a fan of marches anyway. Too many people being too close for my taste, at least when you have enough people for the march to have a positive impact. There are other paths that can be taken.

Statistics about support for LGBT wouldn't bother me.

I know you didn't claim it to be, but I would like to add anyway that I don't think that our best bet is with "left" activism. Maybe it would be in the US, but it is not my experience in Europe. The first serious party to draft a prohibition of bestiality in Germany in the 2000s was one generally considered to be part of the left spectrum.

Prostitution of adult, self-employed humans is currently legal in Germany and the more serious approaches to ban it come from the left spectrum. They have already succeeded in other European countries like Sweden and France.

The left may have a tendency to care more about the suppressed, but they may not identify zoos as the suppressed, instead buying the propaganda of animals being victimized by zoos and zoos being the oppressors. The left can be very paternalistic and they tend to like regulations more than freedom.

I am saying this as someone who has been generally more fond of leftist ideas, so this is not due to some negative bias I would have against them.

My suggestion for people doing zoo activism would be to be politically neutral otherwise. I mean, of course you can have an opinion on politics and vote or even be a party member, but don't think that the zoo question would be party politics. People from all parties could be allies and people from all parties could be zoo-political opponents.

ok but the point is that some countries have some "trends".
there are some countries where beastiality is allowed for years over years
It is a stigma whether it is legal or not and a breeder still is likely not to sell to a person either way if they know or suspect.
Unfortunately, legal or not most zoos have to be constantly vigilant, both online and in real life.
Online think very carefully before you post something. Consider what little details can narrow your location and identity down.
In real life, make sure you lock the door and that no one else has a key. That slightly open curtain, close that. Because there is always the chance that someone is around that should not be. Sure maybe they are trespassing but it is not going to matter when they are providing evidence.
We live in an increasingly dangerous world in general but especially for those who are considered illegal.
And if you think you are completely safe you are either naive or delusional.
So I have a Twitter which is my personal one, where I have my location & friends/family. I felt limited so I created a second account where I posted stuff about zoo. There are lots of antis on there and I accidentally let slip one too many IRL details, like my dog's breed & more. Anyway, they found out it was me and they messaged my breeder. I only found out bc one of my zoo friends gave me a heads up. I went & deleted that account. But I was shaking & absolutely terrified. I thought my life would be ruined and I wouldn't get my dog anymore. (They also said to contact all local shelters..) that was 2 months ago and my breeder who I have on FB has still not contacted me. So I assume I'm in the clear??? During the ordeal I told my best friend, who's been knowing that I was zoo for 6 years now. But after I told her all that, she told me to just not practice zoo, then related it to pedophilia... So I went on a rant about her logic, and thankfully she quickly dropped it.
First, there is not really any equivalence between an adult animal and a human child. It is a false equivalence. Any licensed pediatrician could, assuming you did not bring zoo into the discussion and the reason why you were asking were politically neutral, explain to you in detail how a human child's brain is a lot different from that of an adult animal, regardless of the superficial and deeply flawed measurement of IQ that is not really an apples-to-apples comparison of neural plasticity or the degree of sensitivity of their respective stages of development.

It is not even about whether or not they are juvenile, either. Humans, due to their relationship with rodents, are born premature, compared with other animals. Rats, squirrels, and other animals are in this boat. Chimpanzees and other apes are actually premature to, ironically, a lesser extent than humans. The fact that fact that humans are born basically as a naked fetus is due to an evolutionary throwback. A part of the consequence is that we are born with very very soft heads that can expand a lot more rapidly than the relatively hard skulls of either a dog or a horse, although theirs also are not static. We don't like to talk about it, actually, but the size of an adult human's brain is really due to a severe partial evolutionary throwback that would have resulted in our rapid extinction if the resulting adaptation had not been enough to pick up the slack. If our ancestors had not been able to engineer and plan their way out of trouble, then they would not have stood a chance. They would have been gobbled up by the first hungry lion that came along, and that would have been the end. As it was, our ancestors had the presence of mind to figure out that they should avoid any place that had lion shit in it, and they had this idea of throwing sharpened sticks weighted with rocks at the lions when they could not be avoided. By the skin of our teeth, we thereby escaped dying out as a genetically defective and sickly evolutionary throwback. We came very close a very uncomfortable number of times, and the genetic bottlenecks where we almost did die out can be traced through our DNA.

Neurologically, we are in a very delicate state until we have reached the adolescent stage of our development, which on average takes about 12 years, but humans have other complications in their lives! Unfortunately, external factors can accelerate the onset of our adolescence, which is NOT REALLY A GOOD THING AT ALL. Extreme stress, abuse, and neglect can do this. Being sexualized too early in life can do this. While those children that this happens to can behave, superficially, like "little adults," this is superficial. They actually end up having impaired emotional health, in some cases a propensity for panic disorder, eating disorders, chronic trouble with the law, or becoming a magnet for abusive romantic partners. The onset of adolescence causes certain key aspects of their juvenile development to come to a screeching halt. They halt aspects of their development that are supposed to happen at the juvenile stage of life, and they start their adolescence.

This is not just because of us being juveniles of ANY species, either. Humans are just really evolutionarily fucked-up animals, and while we do end up with a gigantic mutant neocortex, we pay a heavy price for it. We have a very special adaptation, but that adaptation comes with handicaps and limitations that we have to take unique precautions in order to adjust for. We require more extensive protection and care. It is the price we pay for being one of the most unique animals on the planet.

Those people that are marching around claiming that an adult animal is like a human toddler therefore are swindling the public with self-serving bullshit. It is a false equivalence. It is a lie. That false equivalence is useful to them because it gives them a pretext for pushing away something they are uncomfortable talking about, but they know that they are not being straightforward with you. They are lying to you, and they need to be sharply reprimanded for it. It is not just poor reasoning, but it constitutes hostile and offensive casuistry. These people do not really think that an adult animal equates to a human toddler. It is a lie.
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The point is not what is right or wrong. The point is what is realistic. Do we wish that the laws were different? Of course! That does not matter. What matters is the facts as they are and what you and I and our fellow zoophiles will do to cope with them. You're unwilling to move? What do you expect anyone to say???? You're screwed if you are truly outed in a jurisdiction where this is illegal and the authorities are really on to you... :( That sucks but it is the way of the world. Should we say, "Oh, you'll be fine, no worries bro." just to make you feel better? What good will that do? If you're exposed then take measures to protect yourself or understand what is coming your way and engage in damage control. I feel for you, my man... I'm not sure what you hope to hear from us. We are a persecuted minority and should only expect vigorous persecution until the day that things change.