Dog Shows

I was thinking about this today. I can't be the only one that thinks about it. But does anyone else get turned on while watching dog shows?

Like the one that's on after the Thanksgiving day parade or the one that's on every February. It is really nice seeing a handler trot one of those big, unneutered working dogs around the show ring.
It hasn't been a turnon for me, but I do watch them and imagine a larger dog just thinking "fuck this" and stopping in the middle of being shown, pushing his female handler to the floor and having his way with her there on the stage.
He wins "Best In Show!"
Old friends used to show Dalmatians and I used to go watch. Yeah, it can be quite a turn on. So many bitches.
Hmmm... another good question would be what percentage of show dog owners are also zoos? I mean having the finest looking and unaltered dogs in town should be a turn on for some for sure! Lol

Well I’m 99% sure the sole Alaskan Malamute owner at one show was gay for his dog and I definitely made out with one of the Dalmatians at the after party.

Luckily people thought it was funny and not weird because they had no idea what was going through my mind lol. That was a decade ago though and I’ve learned to be more discreet. 😉