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does it ever annoy you when....



the vast majority of new zoos are just bestialists and not actually romantically attracted to animals? i feel like some of them dont even value animals at all, just see them as some sex toy to use. im all for zoo in every aspect, but some people that only sexual about it are pretty questionable in wether they truly even care about the animals wellbeing. and that makes me sad honestly.
I couldn't have said it better.

There is a refinement that comes with this lifestyle and anyone who knows can see and tell the difference between the real thing and the wankers.

The wankers will never reach same level as the animals they are using or exploiting.

Animals are unconditionally pure of heart and unfortunately people.......................not so much!!
There are degrees.
I'm a slut who's currently not seeking romance. I'm not in love w must of the people I fuck. In some cases in not involved in their lives aside from sex. That doesn't mean I don't see them as people.
Same w animals. I have affection & respect for them but not romantic love. Lack of romantic love for a partner is NOT the same as seeing them as a sex object.
Of course there certainly ARE people out there who see animals as nothing more than convenient sex toys & I have no respect for that sort
The majority of people into bestiality aren't romantically attracted to their animal(s) like we zoos are. That's not anything new, that's the way it's always been. I used to look down on those who didn't share my views, but I've since learned to accept anyone who at least takes great care of their animals. You don't have to be romantically attracted to you dog to love and take care of them, after all.

On the other side of the coin fetishists are annoying and abusers should eat shit and die...
Idk man, people are like that with humans too tho. Some just have sex and dont need the whole romantic side of things. I admit it's not the best way to do things but some people are horny fucks. As long as there's no abuse, maybe them just fuckin the dog is like a fuckbuddy. Sex with no romantic attachment.
I agree with you Klaire, you should threat the animal as an equal and with True love 🙏 Not just using for sex. I really loved my dog when he was Alive and felt he loved me back 😊
I agree for the most part, I think most of it is the people who don't have a connection with their partner before hand so its just kinda like a "one night stand" kind of thing. I think if its with a partner that they have built that relationship with its a little different but maybe that's just me looking at my own experience.
I defiantly agree with that. Pointless sex is fun. but being in a caring romantic state with your lover no matter who it is, is so much more pure and pleasurable
Hopefully when people everywhere use the term fuck vs make love mean the same thing they just lack the articulation. An animal lover into beast/zoo or even people that don't have our views and feeling love an animal unconditionally. Some people just suck
does it ever annoy you when the vast majority of new zoos are just bestialists and not actually romantically attracted to animals?
No, it does not annoy me. For me a romantic relationship is more than just caring for a partner. It's about having conversations, discussing the day at work, spending time together, going to the cinema, sharing emotions and so on. I can't imagine having a fulfilled live with an animal as a partner.
Those that treat animals like a living dildo are repugnant. I love my dog, same as my companions who came before him, not necessarily in love but they were there for me and showed me unconditional love and I showed that to them in turn and I would never be with a woman who didnt feel the same way about animals.

I give my dog kisses and pets and belly rubs and he is one of the family, hes a spoiled fur baby who is as integral to my life as my human family.

Girlfriends have come and gone but hes always there to be my friend and confidant.

I find the majority of male dog/human female porn lacks intimacy and I dislike that in vanilla porn as well, i want to feel enthusiasm and intimacy by both parties without that its just mechanical and gross.
On the one hand I would say that as long as people treat their nonhuman partners well, it shouldn't bother me whether they are romantically involved, or just sexually involved. On the other hand though, if somebody views their nonhuman partner as nothing but a sex toy with a pulse, would that increase the risk of maltreatment?

I like to think most zoos do have at least an emotional connection, because the idea that the sex-driven fetishists are the poster people to the outside is frustrating at least.
To each their own as they say. I actually think that a relationship that someone can have with an non-human animal is "something" and the one you can have with another human is "another thing". Each one has its perks, but i just can't imagine having a "human relationship" with an animal, it's like i just can't get what i can get from a human from an animal, but the same happens the opposite way, i can't get from a human what i can get from an animal. So i just stick to both, but i don't consider "romantic" as something an animal could actually sense or care about, they have feelings, yeah, and these feelings are some of the purest in terms of feelings, but being romantic, being "in a relationship/marriage/girlfriend/boyfriend" is something actually "human", it's something we do, they see us as mates, or at least that's what i believe.
I couldn't have said it better.

There is a refinement that comes with this lifestyle and anyone who knows can see and tell the difference between the real thing and the wankers.

The wankers will never reach same level as the animals they are using or exploiting.

Animals are unconditionally pure of heart and unfortunately people.......................not so much!!
If the animal and the person are both consenting and simply want sex, how is it exploitation? :unsure:
If the animal and the person are both consenting and simply want sex, how is it exploitation? :unsure:

I was talking about the wankers who simply use animals solely for sexual gratification and have no feeling whatsoever toward the animal as a living breathing being.

The same goes for people who use other people the same way.

There are a lot of really good people who live and practice this lifestyle but there are some real assholes as well.

I don't mean this to sound as if I'm being judgmental but the fact is that there are a lot of predators out there.
I was talking about the wankers who simply use animals solely for sexual gratification and have no feeling whatsoever toward the animal as a living breathing being.

The same goes for people who use other people the same way.

There are a lot of really good people who live and practice this lifestyle but there are some real assholes as well.

I don't mean this to sound as if I'm being judgmental but the fact is that there are a lot of predators out there.
If you are an unfeeling person but don't use others as if they're worthless, does the person count as an asshole?
I have never really given it a thought. Until a year ago I didn't knowingly associate with anyone who was a zoo or anything. I couldn't care less what people think of me and I don't judge others for how they choose to be either. And I have never seen my boys as anything less than equal in a sexual way. I talk to them, share my life with them, revere them and make sure their every need is met. I have always seen myself as in a relationship with them and I would never part with them.
There will always be selfish people in every sexual category. Imagine all of the kids growing up without a father because one of their parents only thinks about themselves and just sleeps around with fuck-buddies.
I banged a mare before. I didn't walk her to her stall door or kiss her good night either. I'm a bad person ... I'm not sure what I'm having for lunch today.
So with me I only care if they're hurting the animal or the animal os obviously anxious, uncomfortable, drugged, etc. You want to make a fuck buddy out of your pup, horse, whatever fine, but the moment you're neglecting them other than moments to get you off or what I mentioned previously you're dead to me.

With that being said I waited years before my retriever felt at ease with us fucking cause I gave her that respect and there were days I woke up with m lab sleeping nuzzled into me and after waking up still laying down I sucked his dick like a fucking bottle. Gay as shit? Probably. But just saying all this to say if you're romantically invested or not its fine, but just don't be a dick
For me personally, I love my dogs with all my heart and other animals as well, so when I am with them sexually that just enhances the experience. I don't judge people who are not romantically involved with their animals, just because reading about so many different peoples perspectives on this site, everybody is different. Now if say someone who owns a dog for example, does not give a shit about the dog, and only wants them for sex, that pisses me off, because they should be treated with love and care, same as any person.
For me personally, I love my dogs with all my heart and other animals as well, so when I am with them sexually that just enhances the experience. I don't judge people who are not romantically involved with their animals, just because reading about so many different peoples perspectives on this site, everybody is different. Now if say someone who owns a dog for example, does not give a shit about the dog, and only wants them for sex, that pisses me off, because they should be treated with love and care, same as any person.
TBH as long as the dog's needs and physical well-being are taken care of, I fail to see the issue. In a way it would be a lot like swinging but with animals instead of people.
Funny. When I 1st joined BF many many years ago I found it hard to get over it wasnt about the sex and that I was sexually attracted to animals and repulsed by humans. My sexual relationships have all been that, relationships. Its not just been about the sex. Although thats been fucking amazing