Do you feel regret?


Hi all! If you're willing to be honest..has anyone here engaged in zoo activities and then felt regret about it?

I've been into beast sex for as long as I can remember. The idea of it just drives me wild, in a way nothing else ever has. I've finally overcome the shame about it. But I'm afraid - what happens if I allow a dog to take me, and then I hate myself? There's no taking it back once it happens.

So has anyone been in this situation? Did you feel regret, and how did you cope with that? Or did the opposite happen - did you try it and discover it didn't harm your self image at all?

I feel like I'm missing out on something wonderful, but I'm scared too.
The first time my dog gave me a lick job unprompted, I felt a small amount of regret, and a small amount of disgust, but he is great at expressing his delight, ever since, I never feel any negativity, we both love and trust each other, and so long as we don't get caught, absolutely zero harm to my image
Hi all! If you're willing to be honest..has anyone here engaged in zoo activities and then felt regret about it?

I've been into beast sex for as long as I can remember. The idea of it just drives me wild, in a way nothing else ever has. I've finally overcome the shame about it. But I'm afraid - what happens if I allow a dog to take me, and then I hate myself? There's no taking it back once it happens.

So has anyone been in this situation? Did you feel regret, and how did you cope with that? Or did the opposite happen - did you try it and discover it didn't harm your self image at all?

I feel like I'm missing out on something wonderful, but I'm scared too.
Great questions that I can certainly relate to.

I had this thought before going all the way. "You can't unfuck a dog".

I don't know why that makes me giggle, but it does.

But what I did, for both me and the dog's sake, was to go just a little at a time and then take a day or more to really see how I felt about it.

My main goal throughout all of that was to not coerce him in any way. I had to be sure that he wanted it to, and that I wasn't imagining what seemed to me to be mutual attraction.

Long story short, the attraction was mutual, and I've never had any regrets. I learned so much about their language and behaviors in the process and was pleasantly surprised that he evidently reciprocated and seemingly put effort in on his own part to really work at getting a better understanding of me.

Zero regrets here, and knowing what I know now, my only regret is not jumping into the pool a lot sooner...
I felt a bit of regret back when i would do it looking back though i have no regrets. Nothing but desire to do it and experience it again no offense to guys but uhh it just doesnt compare to a doggo 😅
None taken.. Truth is that many guys have seemed to have gotten this false image of themselves that they're some sort of sex god, when all they do is stick it in, get their jolly, pull it out, and ask to be worshipped like they just saved the world. They've totally forgotten foreplay (although they'd argue with me on that point), and that there's so much more that they could be doing.

Sure, I know that thrust for thrust, I've got nothing on a dog. But I do know of ways I can make up for it in huge ways. Like say going down for as long as the batteries will last with toys and my tongue, massages, touching, and so forth.

My idea of the perfect night would be all night, starting with the foreplay, (hence the "fore"), and only after she's gotten to the point of multiple orgasms, have my turn or dog's turn (I would do mine if I knew I would be good for multiples as to let myself recoup while dog kept things moving), and at any rate, me a dog handle cleanup, unless she's just not done yet, in which case, put new batteries in toys and help out while me and dog recharge.

I don't know why some or most or whatever the number of guys it happens to be, seem to think that if he got his cookie, then she must have gotten hers...

So no, I don't take offense at your statement.. It has a basis in fact, and unfortunately, us men brought that on ourselves, and the men that would take offense need to up their game if they want to make a difference in the popularity of that sentiment.
Great questions that I can certainly relate to.

I had this thought before going all the way. "You can't unfuck a dog".

I don't know why that makes me giggle, but it does.

But what I did, for both me and the dog's sake, was to go just a little at a time and then take a day or more to really see how I felt about it.

My main goal throughout all of that was to not coerce him in any way. I had to be sure that he wanted it to, and that I wasn't imagining what seemed to me to be mutual attraction.

Long story short, the attraction was mutual, and I've never had any regrets. I learned so much about their language and behaviors in the process and was pleasantly surprised that he evidently reciprocated and seemingly put effort in on his own part to really work at getting a better understanding of me.

Zero regrets here, and knowing what I know now, my only regret is not jumping into the pool a lot sooner...
Thanks for sharing your personal story. Very well said.

I personally felt a bit of regret the first time I let my dog lick me, but I haven't looked back since.

My previous dane would go down the hall and then look back at me when he wanted me. That was such a turn on. Definitely have learned cues and behaviors to make sure they want me just as much as I want them.
You sound as though you haven't taken the step just yet. If not, think long and hard before you do. Once this line is crossed, you can stop, never do it again, but you will have done it. It is a Rubicon of sorts, a kind of depth gauge( npi) of who you are.

If you have taken the step, theres no need to feel guilt. Its done, and cannot be undone, but if you wanted it and were not forced, let it go and enjoy life. No one can kill you for it. They cant even be critical if you dont tell them. So don't. Its your business and your life. 😉
None taken.. Truth is that many guys have seemed to have gotten this false image of themselves that they're some sort of sex god, when all they do is stick it in, get their jolly, pull it out, and ask to be worshipped like they just saved the world. They've totally forgotten foreplay (although they'd argue with me on that point), and that there's so much more that they could be doing.

Sure, I know that thrust for thrust, I've got nothing on a dog. But I do know of ways I can make up for it in huge ways. Like say going down for as long as the batteries will last with toys and my tongue, massages, touching, and so forth.

My idea of the perfect night would be all night, starting with the foreplay, (hence the "fore"), and only after she's gotten to the point of multiple orgasms, have my turn or dog's turn (I would do mine if I knew I would be good for multiples as to let myself recoup while dog kept things moving), and at any rate, me a dog handle cleanup, unless she's just not done yet, in which case, put new batteries in toys and help out while me and dog recharge.

I don't know why some or most or whatever the number of guys it happens to be, seem to think that if he got his cookie, then she must have gotten hers...

So no, I don't take offense at your statement.. It has a basis in fact, and unfortunately, us men brought that on ourselves, and the men that would take offense need to up their game if they want to make a difference in the popularity of that sentiment.
Rule one with me, I did the other partner get off first.. If so, then It's my turn.
Rule one with me, I did the other partner get off first.. If so, then It's my turn.
I have no rules except go with the flow and make sure she gets hers and dog gets his.

I am satisfied if everyone is happy at the end. After all, isn't that what it's supposed to be about?

Not to be graphic, but one of my hottest thoughts to me is cleaning her up after dog with my tongue like he would, or better yet, both of us in there trading licks.

Not sure how that would go since I've never had that opportunity.

Right now, it's just me and dog, and I've got to say, I'm happier this way than I would be living a lie with a significant other that wasn't into k9s. I'm sure many women feel that way as well.

Just sucks that we've gotten so disconnected from each other as people because of bullshit people making bullshit judgements about a subject that they have zero experience on which to draw to form their false judgments.
Thanks for sharing your personal story. Very well said.

I personally felt a bit of regret the first time I let my dog lick me, but I haven't looked back since.

My previous dane would go down the hall and then look back at me when he wanted me. That was such a turn on. Definitely have learned cues and behaviors to make sure they want me just as much as I want them.
You're most welcome.

I really find communication with them to be a blast, even non sexual stuff.

It's totally amazing how much you can see them mentally grow once you figure out how to feed their brains.
Never from the attraction/act itself. The only regret I have was going behind peoples backs when I was young and jerking off or having sex with dogs that weren't mine.
Yea, but being able to recognize that and feel remorse is a good thing.

We don't always make the right choices, especially when young, and especially not having anyone to give us good information to go on at the time.

Being able to recognize a wrong doing, feel bad about it, and subsequently change your behavior should be celebrated.
I almost always felt regret during my teenage years after I was done having sex with the family dog. Kinda like PNC but on steroids. Took a few years for me to fully accept myself and for it to go away, although sometimes it comes back in particularly bleak times.
I always had zoo thoughts so in a way I would feel ashamed or regretful growing up and fearing what people would think and it was largely based on religion and public views. When I became an adult I stopped feeling shame or regret because why be ashamed of liking something that I can't control my likeness for? I obviously keep it a secret and it frightens me that people around me would find out but I stopped feeling shame or regret about it. I hope this gives you some reassurance or advice!
Hi all! If you're willing to be honest..has anyone here engaged in zoo activities and then felt regret about it?

I've been into beast sex for as long as I can remember. The idea of it just drives me wild, in a way nothing else ever has. I've finally overcome the shame about it. But I'm afraid - what happens if I allow a dog to take me, and then I hate myself? There's no taking it back once it happens.

So has anyone been in this situation? Did you feel regret, and how did you cope with that? Or did the opposite happen - did you try it and discover it didn't harm your self image at all?

I feel like I'm missing out on something wonderful, but I'm scared too.
The first step is to understand if you are zoophile or not, if you are and admit to yourself that you are- realize it’s a part of you and only a part. This is not all of you and because it is a part of you - you owe no one an apology or an explanation. You don’t owe society anything. You are free to be you entirely.

That being said, I went through a period where my previous religion beared heavily on how I felt. I had to come to terms that I can’t feel bad for having 2 arms and 2 legs just as I can’t feel bad for being zoophile as it is wholly a part of me. I accepted who I was (zoophile) with no apologies!
It helps! Find some friends (online) who can support you through this and be well!
Hi all! If you're willing to be honest..has anyone here engaged in zoo activities and then felt regret about it?

I've been into beast sex for as long as I can remember. The idea of it just drives me wild, in a way nothing else ever has. I've finally overcome the shame about it. But I'm afraid - what happens if I allow a dog to take me, and then I hate myself? There's no taking it back once it happens.

So has anyone been in this situation? Did you feel regret, and how did you cope with that? Or did the opposite happen - did you try it and discover it didn't harm your self image at all?

I feel like I'm missing out on something wonderful, but I'm scared too.
Wow thats honest
Wow thats honest
I’m sure what the OP posted is how most feel when they are first admitting to themselves that they are zoophile. It’s quite a realization. I’ve known some folks that couldn’t come to grips with the realization and fought it. That never ends well for them as they are just pushing those feelings down even though they are still there.
Not everything my dear MissGi9nger nor I have done worked out the way we expected. We just let those times go and don't do that again. Most of it turned out better than expected. Fantastic memories. Only regret is not starting sooner and letting possibilities pass by. Its all in your mind set.