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Do any women here go through a time of the month where horny levels are way up?

A lot of birth control options use hormone blockers. This can lead to some screwed up hormone imbalances. Women require a certain amount of estrogen for normal functionality. Without it, mood swings, depression, … whole list of issues.
- which options use hormone blockers, and how should they function ?
I guess you mistake hormon-IUD, which quite often stops menstruations by the influence on the mucuos membrane in her womb, BUT it does not interfere with her cyclus.
- both men and women produce estrogen, but women much more. And vice versa with testosterone.
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Um.... you should review your pharmacology; and endo.

Maybe read what I post or graduate from medical school before trying to correct me or piggyback on what I say.
national institute of health
medical news today

would you like 50 or 60 more sources?
how about you not tell women about what women experience and medical conditions we face.
I definitely feel a change in my attitude right when I ovulate. I mean I am horny a lot in general but think it gets ramped up a bit right before my period maybe it’s a balancing act for when I have a particularly bad month during that time of the month haha
I'm like this too but I'm still horny on my period
- which options use hormone blockers, and how should they function ?
Most oral contraceptives, commonly called "the pill," contain a combination of estrogen and progestin.
national institute of health
medical news today

would you like 50 or 60 more sources?
how about you not tell women about what women experience and medical conditions we face.
I'm a physician, I'll do my job regardless of your tantrums on the internet.
- which options use hormone blockers, and how should they function ?
I guess you mistake hormon-IUD, which quit often stops menstruations by the influence on the mucuos membrane in her womb, BUT it does not interfere with her cyclus.
- both men and women produce estrogen, but women much more. And vice versa with testosterone.
She's confusing progesterone with hormone blockers in her ignorance of biochemistry and pharmacology.

Her assertion is not entirely incorrect as the body changes when introduced to sustained exogenous hormones but her terminology is wrong as is her premise.
Most oral contraceptives, commonly called "the pill," contain a combination of estrogen and progestin.
Right (finally) but exogenous hormones are NOT hormone blockers - which are various drugs to block testesterone, estrogen or GnRH and used by bodybuilders and the mentally ill (trannies).
It happens to me every month, more than likely prior or during ovulation (I have an IUD so no periods, making it hard to determine).

I seriously feel like an animal in heat and cannot get sex out of my mind, my body wants to fuck anything that moves. I seriously don’t even go on dates during that time because it’s just so hard to control.
every single month, every time i ovulate… i actually don’t mind it lol i feel like i sometimes have a low libido otherwise
every single month, every time i ovulate… i actually don’t mind it lol i feel like i sometimes have a low libido otherwise
I notice a massive uptick in my sex drive when my partners would ovulate. For a few days it seems like we can't get enough of each other.
A lot of birth control options use hormone blockers. This can lead to some screwed up hormone imbalances. Women require a certain amount of estrogen for normal functionality. Without it, mood swings, depression, … whole list of issues.
So in other words, symptoms of menopause. Lord I know those well. Mrs K9Duke did not have an easy time going thru menopause. And I didn't have an easy time with her going thru it either.
Full moon increases my horny levels... closely synced to a normal ovulation schedule.
Can happen at anytime the opportunity exists to connect with other like minded couples who enjoy K9 time.