do a lot of zoofurs base their fursona off of the animals they’re into or just what they thinks cute?

bitch queen

so for me when i was trying to make my fursona i was really stuck between making it an animal that i was attracted to and one that i just thought was cute, eventually falling onto a cute one and it being a rabbit.

but now every once and a while i’ll switch between the 2. so is this a regular thing that most zoofurs do or is it just me. also what are the stories behind your fursonas?
As for me, its one. My fursona is a mixture of myself, my preferences and my identification. I dunno how to explain that, but furry came with childhood, the rest just sychronized with maturity. I didnt't actively chosse the species then. Its not because its cool or cute, i would stick to it with pride even if it would be seen as the least favourable creature on earth. Its so much more than just a char.
I guess I did. Though I did not make a fursona by sitting down one day deciding to pick one. It kind of developed over time through my fictional stories.
I don't know about furry things, I'm just a little familiar with them.
Here I see that some people use a horse avatar with a wolf nickname or vice versa. So I think that the fursona is not necessarily the same as the sexually/emotionally preferred animal.
For me, being attracted to both the fur and zoo worlds, there was really only an Equine fursona for me. I am a Stallion- through and through. Be that with a Mare, a woman or any effeminate creature that appeals to my masculinity.
mine is of a Arctic fox but I definitely like domestic dog breeds; more or less for me it’s canines in general so it’s hard to tell, just have to open up to another zoofur and ask around
It's a little of each in my case, but what I'm attracted to in animals are all qualities that I hold important so there's a lot of overlap.
I like GSD’s my fursona is also a GSD. Did that play a role? I am not sure, I don’t think it did. I think I have dog like qualities and that translates into a dog persona. I also happen to like dogs too…
My fursona is a border collie as they are my favorite breed of doggies, but ironically I have zero interest in the breed sexually. Like absolutely none, so it's pretty much an aesthetics thing along with my personality mixed together to make my current fursona.

The animals I actually find attractive are polar opposites to my fursona and I'd rather just draw him "engaging" with the animals I find sexually appealing so I can enjoy the aesthetics of my character while also scratching my itch for what I'm attracted toward.
Mine isn’t based on an animal I’m attracted to, per say. They were designed by what felt right to me, and evolved with me and the bullshit I’ve dealt with in life.

My sona is a Skullheaded Wolf-Deer, and they are monstrous in look, just as I was told by past abusers that I’m a monster (when really they were the monster), but my sona is the kindest and most gentle being you can meet. They’ve become a symbol of my triumph through a life of pain.
It was always an animal that I closely identified with their personality and behaviors, first a wolf and now a coyote, kind of developing as I grew up. The fact that I'm also attracted to those species didn't play into me choosing them as my fursona, it just kind of happened that way.
Mine developed over time, like others in this thread, though mine isn't an animal i'm sexually attracted to IRL, though I do think the anthro renditions by various artists are quite attractive
For me personally me being a furry and a zoophile have nothing to do with eachother. My fursona isn't a real animal species. I have several dragon and Dutch angel dragon fursonas.
My fursona slowly developed over my whole life, which is a maned wolf. This started before I knew what one was, and just sort of said "red wolf with long black hair." Eventually I learned what a maned wolf was, and it was like a lightning bolt hit me as to what my fursona actual was. I've always said it has sort of picked me, and not so much that I picked it. I am sure there is some connection to my love of canine sex somewhere, but it does not feel like it is the main reason for it.