Dealing with being alone how easy can it be?

I loves mares

Esteemed Citizen of ZV
IV been completely alone for over 4 years now, dealing with this has had its ups and downs, one being free to choose and do as I please. The other being depressed and aching for affection or a relationship that feels like it will never come. Anyone else ever had to deal with this? how did you keep cool what things did you do to stay happy.
I’ve been single for the majority of my life, so I guess I can relate.

I tried to date people a couple of times, but I didn’t really like it. At the time I figured I just wasn’t ready for a relationship. At face value, it sounds like an ideal thing. Society is constantly telling us how great love is and how sad it is to be alone. We hear it in music, our television, the media. We have an entire holiday dedicated to love and relationships. Why wouldn’t anyone want one? Everyone makes them sound so great.

But sometimes you have to sit back and realize that it’s not that big of a deal. And sometimes, you’re just not ready. Either that, or you just haven’t found that person yet. That’s how I like to think about it: I’m just not there yet. Someday I might find someone. And I might not. I could either be stressed about it and worry that I might die alone, or I could find ways to make the time fly by and make the most of the rest of life. I prefer to let the universe run its course.

I have an animal partner, so I’m not too lonely, but I understand desiring that human element. You have two options: Go hunting, or wait until fate works its magic. I prefer to wait, but I know it’s not for everyone. Some people just need to take fate into their own hands. And if that’s you, I say go for it until you’re over it. You only live once as far as I know. If you feel you need to get out there and find someone, I wish you luck. There’s nothing stopping you but you.

If not, then here’s my advice.

What I do is just find something to invest myself in. Luckily for me, I’m a writer, so I at least have the gift of being able to stay up until the crack of dawn typing out chapter upon chapter of my newest novel. Other than that, I take my animal partner out and make the most of the time we have together. I start projects, build, do anything to get my creativity flowing and my mind working. I need something that I can release this pent up energy in, whether it be creating music or climbing trees. Even gardening is such a joy for me. Find something that inspires you, something that you’re so passionate about that you lose yourself in it. Try new things. Get out and see what the world has to offer. I get that there’s not much you can do now, but sometimes, there are great things you can do all on your own. It may not seem like it right now. But I like to think of it like filling the space. I’m finding stuff to do, letting the time pass by until I inevitably find myself in a human relationship. Even if I never find a human relationship, I’d rather find ways to live the life I’ve been given all by myself then worry about not getting to do any of it with someone else.

I’m sure you’ll find someone before you know it. But for now, don’t stress too much about it. There’s so much more to life than relationships. Believe it or not, you can make some pretty good company for yourself. I bet there’s still so much about yourself you haven’t even explored yet. That’s what’s so wonderful about humans, as much as I hate to admit it. There’s so much unexplored potential we have. We can accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. Even if it seems useless. So go out there and discover pieces of yourself you never even knew existed. So by the time you find yourself close to someone, you’ve already got yourself all figured out.

That’s my advice.
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not exactly on topic, but are you trully alone or do you have animals and just don't consider them company? i'm not really trying to get at anything, it's just i got asked a very similar "how do you cope with being alone most of the time?" question a few times before. i just shrug those off since i'm never really alone...
I’ve been single for the majority of my life, so I guess I can relate.

I tried to date people a couple of times, but I didn’t really like it. At the time I figured I just wasn’t ready for a relationship. At face value, it sounds like an ideal thing. Society is constantly telling us how great love is and how sad it is to be alone. We hear it in music, our television, the media. We have an entire holiday dedicated to love and relationships. Why wouldn’t anyone want one? Everyone makes them sound so great.

But sometimes you have to sit back and realize that it’s not that big of a deal. And sometimes, you’re just not ready. Either that, or you just haven’t found that person yet. That’s how I like to think about it: I’m just not there yet. Someday I might find someone. And I might not. I could either be stressed about it and worry that I might die alone, or I could find ways to make the time fly by and make the most of the rest of life. I prefer to let the universe run its course.

I have an animal partner, so I’m not too lonely, but I understand desiring that human element. You have two options: Go hunting, or wait until fate works its magic. I prefer to wait, but I know it’s not for everyone. Some people just need to take fate into their own hands. And if that’s you, I say go for it until you’re over it. You only live once as far as I know. If you feel you need to get out there and find someone, I wish you luck. There’s nothing stopping you but you.

If not, then here’s my advice.

What I do is just find something to invest myself in. Luckily for me, I’m a writer, so I at least have the gift of being able to stay up until the crack of dawn typing out chapter upon chapter of my newest novel. Other than that, I take my animal partner out and make the most of the time we have together. I start projects, build, do anything to get my creativity flowing and my mind working. I need something that I can release this pent up energy in, whether it be creating music or climbing trees. Even gardening is such a joy for me. Find something that inspires you, something that you’re so passionate about that you lose yourself in it. Try new things. Get out and see what the world has to offer. I get that there’s not much you can do now, but sometimes, there are great things you can do all on your own. It may not seem like it right now. But I like to think of it like filling the space. I’m finding stuff to do, letting the time pass by until I inevitably find myself in a human relationship. Even if I never find a human relationship, I’d rather find ways to live the life I’ve been given all by myself then worry about not getting to do any of it with someone else.

I’m sure you’ll find someone before you know it. But for now, don’t stress too much about it. There’s so much more to life than relationships. Believe it or not, you can make some pretty good company for yourself. I bet there’s still so much about yourself you haven’t even explored yet. That’s what’s so wonderful about humans, as much as I hate to admit it. There’s so much unexplored potential we have. We can accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. Even if it seems useless. So go out there and discover pieces of yourself you never even knew existed. So by the time you find yourself close to someone, you’ve already got yourself all figured out.

That’s my advice.
Thanks for that definitely have me new outlooks on everything.
not exactly on topic, but are you trully alone or do you have animals and just don't consider them company? i'm not really trying to get at anything, it's just i got asked a very similar "how do you cope with being alone most of the time?" question a few times before. i just shrug those off since i'm never really alone...
I do have an animal k9 and she dose always keep me company. IV had her since a pup and she was treated horrible by her past owner. So she's always been vary clingy I'm her protection and safe place...In the since of a relationship with her, do to her size I can't make that a possibility. In the ways I'd like a relationship for us but as far as alone alone I am not.
I've spent majority of my life wanting to find that perfect partner honestly, hell even as a kid I always wanted to be a husband or the perfect caretaker for someone instead of some career path. I'm a very emotionally driven person and that leads to a lot more pain than happiness due to getting attached so easily. I've met so many great people along with so many bad people, my issue has always been blaming myself first before others. But I've learned a lot in these more recent years
I thought I found my forever before, first year or so was literally perfect like a fairy tale. Then all the lies were discovered, things got bad, wasted 5 years of my life I really struggled to move on from after dealing with so much. It took me so long to realize the issue wasn't me, it was how I saw people and life. I neglected myself completely outside of trying to be that "provider" and perfect image for others. Happiness comes from within, whether you're alone or together. If you aren't happy and healthy then you aren't living your fullest in my opinion.
I'm not the best at putting my thoughts down like this, so sorry if it's kinda mixed lol. That being said, I fully believe that a person has to learn to live with themselves, by themselves before they can live together. Discover yourself, you might be surprised what you truly love in life. Which could then alter your outlook on how you see others.
I've spent majority of my life wanting to find that perfect partner honestly, hell even as a kid I always wanted to be a husband or the perfect caretaker for someone instead of some career path. I'm a very emotionally driven person and that leads to a lot more pain than happiness due to getting attached so easily. I've met so many great people along with so many bad people, my issue has always been blaming myself first before others. But I've learned a lot in these more recent years
I thought I found my forever before, first year or so was literally perfect like a fairy tale. Then all the lies were discovered, things got bad, wasted 5 years of my life I really struggled to move on from after dealing with so much. It took me so long to realize the issue wasn't me, it was how I saw people and life. I neglected myself completely outside of trying to be that "provider" and perfect image for others. Happiness comes from within, whether you're alone or together. If you aren't happy and healthy then you aren't living your fullest in my opinion.
I'm not the best at putting my thoughts down like this, so sorry if it's kinda mixed lol. That being said, I fully believe that a person has to learn to live with themselves, by themselves before they can live together. Discover yourself, you might be surprised what you truly love in life. Which could then alter your outlook on how you see others.
I think both can be done if you manage a certain points of your life. Let's say discovering yourself means being alone for the majority of your life since your out there exploring I mean 100 years isnt that long you can count to that number pretty easily. You start breaking down at around 55 (or so) which means your happy yet in minor age related pain.

Being alone isnt worth living in and of itself. I personally don't seek reproduction however I seek bonds in life (either romantic or friendship or whichever). Life is meant to be experienced and your partner your with is supposed to help enrich/learn those experiences.

Discovering yourself could mean procrastination for a potential individual that fits you. Try to profile your weaknesses/strengths In a unbiased view. That will give you a insightful look at your character/personality.