Dating in today's society is terrible

With so many dating apps and going out isn't really fun anymore, it seems hard to find something good. Hopefully I'll meet somebody here that is still sweet but with an open mind.

I'm the definition of lone wolf. Lol I learned to be happy by myself. And yet that was still a major stepping stone after I broke up with my ex. Almost like I had to re-learn how to be ok being single again. I know I'll probably never find a zoo girl but at least I've learned to be ok on my own. Plus I have no shortage of rescue dogs I pull from horrible conditions who need my help and love so that helps. Being in rescue I'm always socializing a new dog around people so I usually take the dog to dog friendly bars. That's a great conversation starter and good way to find homes for the pups at the same time. It also weeds out the woman that don't like dogs which is a big plus for me. Can you guys imagine dating somebody that hates dogs? Lol with that being said, a bar is not the best place to find good women but not impossible.

I'm 32 and still single. It is what it is. I choose not to date JUST because I'm lonely. That has kept me out of trouble. I tend to wait for somebody to show interest (especially on this site) and if she has a good head on her shoulders, then I'll ask her out but that's me. Gook luck man. Don't give up! 🍻
Across all the women I know first hand, ranging from relatives to acquaintances, that is not at all what I see. Granted, most of my friends are somewhat around my age - mid 50's - so that may be a difference right there.

One of my friends has a very specific requirement though - she'll only consider dating firefighters, police officers, and active military men. Other than her, the rest of my friends have very realistic expectations from relationships, give or take a few hot buttons which we all have from time to time.
age absolutely makes a huge difference, I'm in my twenties, I feel like this generation is more immature than previous ones by a large margin.. definitely attribute it to having internet access at a young age but that's just speculation really

also to address what you said about your partner being a 10 to you; I don't feel like that's true these days either. I can't honestly say I've been with, or met, anyone that was perfect in my eyes, just a lot of settling for good enough
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I'm guessing you've run into some seriously poor communicators? I know I have!
I *am* a poor communicator, but should be the same for both genders.
Given the places I tried, I'd go for people in there being in a "we are not really serious, just liking to see guys drool" approach. Well, I am not that type 😅 I just enjoy a little talk and (if) whatever comes.

My struggle is in the online world. I'm good IRL because I read body language really, really well, almost subconsciously and can adapt and adjust in a way where they'll relax and be more comfortable, open, sharing, etc.

Plus, I hate typing lol.
I am on the opposite side. Sociable person, but poor social skills (religious boy only schooling has that). So I am sort of unconfortable asking or sharing deep in personal matters until an advanced phase. Plus... Why ruin a frienship by bringing sex innuendos into it? LOL
Too bad for me about real life dating.

Written gives me some additional thinking time to express what I really want to say, and when I meet someone I sort of know them a little so I avoid the "uh..." faces and react more like myself🤣
Not any better for seniors. Maybe it has more to do with where I live. Tough to find someone like minded. It’s exhausting!!