Books currently reading

Just finished reading Death Star, a rather neat book that follows several characters aboard the Death Star during its construction through to its destruction, including the Chief Gunnery Officer who pulled the switch. Reminds the readers that it was a literal planet with over a million occupants (most not even soldiers; prisoners, slaves, architects, medics, librarians, even civilians running cantinas for the troops, who all died when it blew), only a tiny handful of which complicit with the actions of the empire, even among the soldier population.

Going to start on Darth Plagueis now. The book all about Palpatine's master.
Finished reading Kingdom of Bones, most recent book in James Rollins' Sigma Force series, on Thursday. Was actually quite annoying, it was basically a rewrite of one of his early pre-Sigma novels, Amazonia. Even more annoyingly it made references to covid by name, even though in the forward he said that he started working on it before covid and considered not publishing it yet due to its story involving a viral pandemic, so as to not be "too soon".

Started reading Path of Destruction, book 1 of the Darth Bane trilogy. Darth Bane being the Sith who instigated the Rule of Two.