Anyone from Georgia?

Yepp Georga here as well. Burbs north of the ATL. gay/vers male here and a dog bottom since I was college age. Does anyone want to just connect by phone?
Anything over 20 miles is "too far" for me. Anywhere from 20-50 miles is "too far". If you're 2+ hours, you're near Covington or Conyers, or possibly Athens or McDonough. That's way "too far"... But that's just me. Doesn't rule it out, but it's not like popping over for a cocktail close. I'm probably being weird about it, but if I lived in Forest Park then Sandy Springs would be too far away... LOL Don't mind me...
Anything over 20 miles is "too far" for me. Anywhere from 20-50 miles is "too far". If you're 2+ hours, you're near Covington or Conyers, or possibly Athens or McDonough. That's way "too far"... But that's just me. Doesn't rule it out, but it's not like popping over for a cocktail close. I'm probably being weird about it, but if I lived in Forest Park then Sandy Springs would be too far away... LOL Don't mind me...
I feel you. I'm the same way kinda about going anywhere inside 285. I may go somewhere once a year that's within the loop. Lol
I’m around Atlanta, but often travel for work. I’m interested in chatting and/or meeting like minded folks. Would love to watch as well. Straight for humans, but have fantasies of about bottoming for male K9 or play with a male horse.