Any tips on dealing with food aggression??


Combat Wombat

Never had this problem before, I've have a few cats and a couple dogs. They all live into peace with each other, but recently I've taken in other pup about 6 months old and he is food crazy pushing the others out of the way, howling and scratching at the door when i separate him from the others. He is genuinely an amazing dog and knows all your standard sit, stay, come, ect ect but when it's food time he goes ballistic. Anyone dealt with anything similar and has any advice it would be much appreciated Thx
It looks like there is a lot written about it online.
It looks like there is a lot written about it online.
Yep indeed there is and I've tried all of those tactics minus the "Pack leader eating first" He's the bottom of the pecking order so he does get fed last, the only thing I can think of is me eating before all of them ?? Sound like a bit of a stretch but sure I'll let ya know if it works 👍
Have you tried feeding all of them at the same time form separate bowls?
Yeah that is usually how I do it, but I can't with him running around taking a bite from each bowl. (All the food is mine type of behaviour)
Ceasar Milan is an entertainer. His advice goes sometimes goes against accepted best practices. There is plenty written online about food aggression.
Ceasar Milan is an entertainer. His advice goes sometimes goes against accepted best practices. There is plenty written online about food aggression.
Damn it, you beat me to it.

Never had this problem before, I've have a few cats and a couple dogs. They all live into peace with each other, but recently I've taken in other pup about 6 months old and he is food crazy pushing the others out of the way, howling and scratching at the door when i separate him from the others. He is genuinely an amazing dog and knows all your standard sit, stay, come, ect ect but when it's food time he goes ballistic. Anyone dealt with anything similar and has any advice it would be much appreciated Thx
I'd imagine it's either down to some kind of trauma or early learned behaviour. Only reasonable way to change it is to teach him that if he wants to eat he needs to keep table manners and be polite.

How you go about doing that depends on him and on you. You could separate his bowl from the others and pick him up/take him away from the food if he gets into the others bowls. I don't think I know the best way to do it, but just keep in mind that what you try to teach and what he ultimately learns won't be the same. If you teach him that he should only eat from a specific bowl and that bowl has a distinct look, you may have a harder time feeding him if you lose that bowl. Try and think a few steps ahead with whatever means if training you try.
Mine have to eat in separate rooms.
I'm wondering if maybe using a gravity feeder would be helpful over the long run. With a buffet, maybe they'd come to see that there's no scarcity.