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Akita wants stray


Zooville Settler
So I'm a HUGE dog lover (my girl is more valuable to me than anything) but my roommate got a fucking cat.
Kira wants to eat the pussy, I can't let her, she has already eaten 4 rabbits and 2 foxes in the last 7 weeks (I exercise her prey drive).
When she sees the cat she licks her gorgeous lips and gets jumpy ( jolts with intent) an is quite obviously jelly.
The cat however won't stop coming to me (This makes kira hungry) what do I do to help them get along, kittens are cute and I'd prefer kira didn't tear it apart!
oh man, good luck. Dogs instinctually want to chase anything smaller than them. If the dog wasn't around kittens when it was younger, that makes the conditioning even more difficult.
I have a large dog that loves to chase our cats, our other 2 dogs don't bother with them unless they run. Once the cat starts to bolt, the whole house becomes a mess. To prevent that from happening, we use a bunch of baby gates. The cats can get over the gate, but they know if they do, they'll be chased so it keeps them at bay
I Had a Male Red Akita, that fucker NEVER got over hating cats. my neighbors had a 7' tall concrete block wall separating their & my property, their cat used to tease my dog walking along the top of that fence. this lasted about a month before my dog found the spot he could leap highest from.
Sure as shit, that cat came walking (prancing) along the top of the wall, and my dog Lept, Snatched, and disintegrated that cat in less than 3 seconds.

My neighbors witnessed the Scene. they were Pissed. but my dog never left the yard. So there wasn't much legally they could do to either of us.

Never underestimate your Akita!
Never underestimate your Akita!
Don't worry about that I know full well how violent and calculated my girl can be, I let her hunt after all.
I'll try not to get into it because if it concerns my girl I basically just gush for hours. (When she catches foxes she always gets them by the neck, it's awesome)

The problem is that weather I like it or not I have to live with this cat right now (corona Chan's fault).

There has been some progress lately, the cat no longer hisses at kira and they both slept in my bed with me last night (The cat wouldn't fuck off).
Regardless though I can tell kira still wants to go it.

Other than just watching them all the time what can I do to lessen her need to eat the cat?
Good luck. My boy hates cats too. One bloody mess is good enough for me. But if you got your girl in the hunting spirit I could use it. ? more meat in the freezer I can share
If you encourage the prey drive, that's on you. It's also hard to get out completely.
Dogs do tend to mellow out over time if handled right, but getting the cats over the fear of being chased is much harder.
If you encourage the prey drive, that's on you. It's also hard to get out completely.
Dogs do tend to mellow out over time if handled right, but getting the cats over the fear of being chased is much harder.
Honestly I don't care much for the cat, it's cute and I don't want it to die (I'm even the one buying it's food, proper royalcanin) in fact it sleeps on my lap as I type.
But if it's gonna fear my girl forever than that's probably in it's best interest.

Things are a bit better now though, they both sleep in my bed with me (I don't know why, it's not my fucking cat) and my girl ignores the cat when it's running around.

But she still quite obviously not happy about this cat. For example, me or anyone else in my family (even my roommate) can walk up to kira when she's eating and pull the half chewed food right out of her mouth and she just looks at you waiting to get it back if not just eating something else cause she don't care.
But the cat went near her while she was eating just yesterday and she snapped the cat up in her mouth and threw it, (didn't break any of the cats skin though) every time the cat goes near her food she gets super territorial.

She is also having some moments of extreme jealousy, I just want my girl to feel calmer and not stressed out about this cat. (I'm trying too keep the cat out of my room I swear)
No offence if you like your roommate, but he/she kiiiiinda sounds like a complete and utter moron! I mean who in the right mind buys a cat when there's a dog with a high prey drive living in the same home! That's just asking for trouble and unnecessary heartbreak on his/her end! I assume your roommate knows that your girl has a high prey drive, right? The first thing you'll learn about animals is that they can be a bit unpredictable sometimes. Even if they warm up to each other. It takes one random scratch to the dogs face from the cat, in a pissed off mood one day, to set them off.

Take my two canine girls for example. 99.98% of the time they are snuggle bugs and playmates. But sometimes my little girl will get food aggressive for no reason. Even when the bowls are 6 feet apart, and even when both bowls have food in them. In the 6-7 months I've owned them I've had to break up 3 very minor fights, because my mutt mix instigated shit with my newfie girl. But bringing a cat in your situation, there's a good chance you'll be posting something in the rainbow bridge in the near future.
If you let your dog kill other animals it could end up attacking other dogs or children. You may be reading this and thinking your dog would never do that but it's not worth risking. I hope you muzzle her for walks.
Sorry but all of you saying the guy with the cat is the idiot are wrong. Were I come from we call these kinds of dogs a nuisance and problematic. They most often end up being shot or taken to the vet to be euthanized. We do not tolerate dangerous dogs that kill things at random. My great uncle thought it was funny to train his hunting dogs using cats until they started tearing up all out cats and everyone else's cats in the neighborhood and they started disappearing. He started getting vet bills too from folks cats that had to be taken to the vet. One of my cousins lost four of his huskies due to their wandering killing habits Twice at diffrent two of his dogs decided it would be good idea to chase and kill our neighbors livestock our neighbore put them to sleep both times. One must be responsible about owning a dog and this kind of animal should never be kept. If It chased my kitten it would get hit hard and if it persisted in its stupidity and its owner would not do anything to curb its blood lust It would be put down. There is nothing cool about a dog killing things. If you think so then you need to get checked for mental illness.

Your roommate has every right to be just as happy as you and have a pet that they like. You are the problem and trouble maker here. You show a classic selfish, entitled attitude. Good dogs behave and get along with anything and everyone in their home and neighborhood. As do good humans. A good human goes out of their way to make sure that no harm comes to anything and does not make excuses or blame others for their failings or their pets. They put others first and themselves last. If I had a bad dog like yours it would be swiftly taught that this kind of attitude about things was unacceptable and if persisted in its killing ways it would be put to sleep. I do not tolerate dangerous, misbehaving animals of any kind. Dogs are a non native species in most areas and are pest species and thus they are not irreplaceable. Native wildlife on the other hand is a whole other matter and I will always defend it were non native, invasive species threaten or harass it in any way shape or form. The same goes for anyone else's animals that are being threatened by any dangerous "pet".

There is a rule and order to life that should be strictly adhered too to keep everyone and everything safe and happy. You my friend are outside the bounds of this rule and order and are the one that needs to get your act together and make sure your pest behaves in a polite sociable fashion to all things. If she attacks and kills things at random and will she at some point will attack you or your roommate. You show very clearly here that you are the trouble maker with your very ugly statements that ooze and drip with self and selfish attitude. It screams, "I, I, ME, ME!" Oh so very loudly. Get a grip you ain't all that nobody is. Owning your mistakes, taking responsibility for them, and not playing the blame game is how one shows themselves to be a true adult.

I have lived long enough to not give a crap about what folks think and come right to the point and give what needs to be given without pussy footing around to avoid hurting someone feelings. If they are hurt well than you should not have asked such a loaded question and it shows that you have not reached the realm of being a true adult.
Sorry but all of you saying the guy with the cat is the idiot are wrong. Were I come from we call these kinds of dogs a nuisance and problematic. They most often end up being shot or taken to the vet to be euthanized. We do not tolerate dangerous dogs that kill things at random. My great uncle thought it was funny to train his hunting dogs using cats until they started tearing up all out cats and everyone else's cats in the neighborhood and they started disappearing. He started getting vet bills too from folks cats that had to be taken to the vet. One of my cousins lost four of his huskies due to their wandering killing habits Twice at diffrent two of his dogs decided it would be good idea to chase and kill our neighbors livestock our neighbore put them to sleep both times. One must be responsible about owning a dog and this kind of animal should never be kept. If It chased my kitten it would get hit hard and if it persisted in its stupidity and its owner would not do anything to curb its blood lust It would be put down. There is nothing cool about a dog killing things. If you think so then you need to get checked for mental illness.

Your roommate has every right to be just as happy as you and have a pet that they like. You are the problem and trouble maker here. You show a classic selfish, entitled attitude. Good dogs behave and get along with anything and everyone in their home and neighborhood. As do good humans. A good human goes out of their way to make sure that no harm comes to anything and does not make excuses or blame others for their failings or their pets. They put others first and themselves last. If I had a bad dog like yours it would be swiftly taught that this kind of attitude about things was unacceptable and if persisted in its killing ways it would be put to sleep. I do not tolerate dangerous, misbehaving animals of any kind. Dogs are a non native species in most areas and are pest species and thus they are not irreplaceable. Native wildlife on the other hand is a whole other matter and I will always defend it were non native, invasive species threaten or harass it in any way shape or form. The same goes for anyone else's animals that are being threatened by any dangerous "pet".

There is a rule and order to life that should be strictly adhered too to keep everyone and everything safe and happy. You my friend are outside the bounds of this rule and order and are the one that needs to get your act together and make sure your pest behaves in a polite sociable fashion to all things. If she attacks and kills things at random and will she at some point will attack you or your roommate. You show very clearly here that you are the trouble maker with your very ugly statements that ooze and drip with self and selfish attitude. It screams, "I, I, ME, ME!" Oh so very loudly. Get a grip you ain't all that nobody is. Owning your mistakes, taking responsibility for them, and not playing the blame game is how one shows themselves to be a true adult.

I have lived long enough to not give a crap about what folks think and come right to the point and give what needs to be given without pussy footing around to avoid hurting someone feelings. If they are hurt well than you should not have asked such a loaded question and it shows that you have not reached the realm of being a true adult.
I think we dont have to be offensive towards each other but i think in regards to the problems associated with the dogs behavior he is right. There is not only the danger of the dog getting into contact with someones pet and harming it (or getting harmed herself while trying) but she already lives with someones cat so how could there be another option than strictly training her to get along with the cat? If its a rabbit or fox nobody complains but you dont have the right to let your pet harm other peoples pets even if you were owning a pet first.
Sorry but all of you saying the guy with the cat is the idiot are wrong. Were I come from we call these kinds of dogs a nuisance and problematic.
The roommate is bringing a cat into a situation where the dog already exhibits these behaviors. You'd want to at least TRY and train these tendencies out of the dog before bringing a cat into the mix. Without even trying to train the predatory tendencies out of an animal that is naturally a predator, bringing a cat into the home still makes the roommate an idiot. The roommate is willingly putting that cats life in danger. Until the dog is proven that it can abstain from randomly killing animals the roommate should have held off from getting said cat.

I'm not contesting anything else you've said, I'm only contesting your statement that the roommate is not idiotic.
Woah now my dudes, maybe I'm leaving too much out of the equation here but my girl isn't randomly killing things, she is a trained hunting dog that only hunts rabbits and foxes (non native invasive species where I live) and only attacks under command.
She is perfectly calm around children and other dogs but that does not mean she is ever off leash, she is a trained hunting dog and is treated as such.
My question is how to train her to differentiate between prey and otherwise.
With pig dogs that I have previously owned it has been simple (only I can safely approach them) but an akita (that I inherited) Is hugely different In almost every way.
Currently I have a lot of time at home and my progress after my original post has been that kira doesn't acknowledge the cat at all unless its near her food (an improvement on seeing a target)
As for the cat being here (now I admit this is childish) the dog and I were here first and my roommate introduced her cat later after a relationship error, my roommate was already aware that my dog is a hunter, and was aware that the cats life would be in danger.
SHE BROUGT THE CUNT ANYWAY! (Well her dad did)
Now you see I like animals (im a zoo) so i don't want to see a kitten chewed up on my carpet, but I didn't ask for this, I didn't approve this. I had this thrust upon me, me and my girl were happy hunting rabbits and foxes in our spare time to come home to fresh chicken I'd cut up for her, then to both have a nap on my couch.
But my dumb cunt roomie got a danm cat and went "she be right" and is now ignoring it (there are reasons behind this too, roomie has some harsh shit going on)
I just need too keep the cat alive for another month or 2 untill my roommate has the ability too leave, sadly she is using this cat to teach her to love again.
It's a crazy situation that shouldn't EVER happen but I'm working with what I got, how do I keep my hunting dog calm and my cat anything but violent while they have to live near each other?

I apologise for my miscommunication, my English skills are quite poor.
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Ok yeah someone is going to get hurt. One of you NEEDS to move out or someone needs to get rid of their pet NOW. Your akita will kill that cat
So I'm a HUGE dog lover (my girl is more valuable to me than anything) but my roommate got a fucking cat.
Kira wants to eat the pussy, I can't let her, she has already eaten 4 rabbits and 2 foxes in the last 7 weeks (I exercise her prey drive).
When she sees the cat she licks her gorgeous lips and gets jumpy ( jolts with intent) an is quite obviously jelly.
The cat however won't stop coming to me (This makes kira hungry) what do I do to help them get along, kittens are cute and I'd prefer kira didn't tear it apart!
OK after reading more, I'm sorry but you are an idiot. Both of you are in fact.

1. NEVER excercise the prey drive, it's one of the akita worst trait with how they can develop this behavior into something much worse like killing cats for example.
2. One of you seriously needs to move out before something happens, clearly your roomie is too dumb to know how to look after her cat, and clearly you are too dumb to learn to look after your dog properly as well. You let the cat sleep on your freaking bed?? Someone is asking for trouble and it's going to cost an animal it's life. Be it on you two.

Meaning to sound mean? Yes I am because it's the only way some people will learn. Can't believe the amount of dumb shit I've read in this post.
@Knottedfortune Dude I had you pegged right from the start. It is all I, I me, me. You are the one who really needs to chill. I think it is awesome her father did something so nice for her. If something happened to make her hurt all the more reason to allow her to be happy. Life ain't about the I and me it is about the they and them. One should always strive to put themselves last and others first and put yourself in their shoes and empathize. Her having a cat really does not do any hurt or harm. I good owner makes sure their dog behaves and is a polite sociable animal to all other humans and animals. If this is not possible then one gets rid of the trouble animal or gives it to someone who can keep it in such a way that it does not come in contact with any other things. Hunting should never be encouraged in domestic dogs. There is no excuse for it.
@Knottedfortune Dude I had you pegged right from the start. It is all I, I me, me. You are the one who really needs to chill. I think it is awesome her father did something so nice for her. If something happened to make her hurt all the more reason to allow her to be happy. Life ain't about the I and me it is about the they and them. One should always strive to put themselves last and others first and put yourself in their shoes and empathize. Her having a cat really does not do any hurt or harm. I good owner makes sure their dog behaves and is a polite sociable animal to all other humans and animals. If this is not possible then one gets rid of the trouble animal or gives it to someone who can keep it in such a way that it does not come in contact with any other things. Hunting should never be encouraged in domestic dogs. There is no excuse for it.
It is a bit self centred but KnottedFortune Iant wrong when she says that her room mate brought in the cat knowing there is an akita in the house. The room mate is more in the wrong but KnottedFortune is wrong also for encouraging certain behaviours
This thread is wild. How dare you train a hunting dog to hunt on command :'D
Any updates?
Now, it makes me wonder if she would really see the cat as prey, I assume she doesnt hunt at home
This thread is wild. How dare you train a hunting dog to hunt on command :'D
Any updates?
Now, it makes me wonder if she would really see the cat as prey, I assume she doesnt hunt at home
This comment is about 50 years out of date. Why not just train huskies only to pull sleds then? Dumbass. Akita will have probably killed the kitten by now.
The best thing that you can do is to warn your neighbor to safeguard their cat. They may feel the same way about their cat that you feel about your dog. If someones' pet killed my pet then I would put a bullet in their pet. Nothing personal. Just don't mess with another man's animal.
This thread is a mess. The op is in the wrong for training the dog to hunt if they live with other people. You live alone than fine, teach your girl whatever. But you live with a roomate who is entitled to their own pet. Why should you be the only one entitled to animal companionship? And if your roomate is going through a bad time than be their for them. Also your worried about the dog eating the cat yet you allow them both on the bed together? Are you stupid? If you as worried as you say than close the door to your room, keep them apart. But on the other hand its best to get them used to each other. Treat the cat like another member of the pack, keep an eye on the dog and if it shows any sign of hostility to the cat than discipline the dog, teach it the cat isnt food. Other than that i believe your selfish and only care about yourself
So I'm a HUGE dog lover (my girl is more valuable to me than anything) but my roommate got a fucking cat.
Kira wants to eat the pussy, I can't let her, she has already eaten 4 rabbits and 2 foxes in the last 7 weeks (I exercise her prey drive).
When she sees the cat she licks her gorgeous lips and gets jumpy ( jolts with intent) an is quite obviously jelly.
The cat however won't stop coming to me (This makes kira hungry) what do I do to help them get along, kittens are cute and I'd prefer kira didn't tear it apart!
ok so just to make sure, this doesnt happen to be Akita anon from 4c does it?
Im in favor of the original poster.

1. Its his dog, its his choice how to train it. People have been hunting with dogs for CENTURIES, house pets are the new thing.

2. Roommate already knew the nature of the dog.

3. Roommate brought the pet in without discussing it first. EXTREMELY disrespectful, regardless of the hunting dog situation. I had a roommate that did this and his cat kept fucking with my cat and needless to say i dont talk to that piece of shit anymore. Also, he was there first, its more her place than his.

This is a rough situation, but i trained my cat to encourage her prey drive (has killed over 50 different animals that i know of) and i would NEVER trust her if a roommate had a pet rat or ferret that ran around. Despite our best training methods, pets do what they want when not under a watchful eye. I cant tell you the MILLIONS of times ive gotten on to my dog about eating out of the trash, but if its there and im not.... 🤷‍♂️