2nd knotting of the day.

gonna just second @underdoge, it depends on the dog. my current boy for example asks for blowjob (he has no interest in mounting me) every other day on average. when my girl is in heat it feels like he wants it like every other hour. the first session is always the longest (20mins give or take), subsequent are a lot shorter (5 or so mins). weirdly enough, after the first session he also loses interest in the girl and goes straight to me when he feels like it's time for another go (sometimes even wakes me in the middle of the night to get off).

i got kinda lucky in that department, my late love had no interest in the girl whatsoever and i didn't even have to separate them when she was in heat. it led to some comical situations at times, imagine a girl in full standing heat literally backing into him with her tail to the side and he just tried to hide from her. his hips very in really bad shape when i got him (we used lots of pain supression meds), which might be why he never even tried to mount her.