14.8% of males and 12.4% of females (of ~34k) reported at least some interest in Bestiality

I have a lot of issues with her reporting and statistical methods on most of her surveys. I found that the binning and definitions of many kinks in this survey left a lot to be desired. For example, if I recall correctly I think furry was classified as a transformation fetish. I think the intent was werewolf-type animal transformation, but since it was the only bin that mentioned "furry", and "furry" obviously encompasses a lot more than the animorph books, then the transformation bin is likely vastly overreported.

IIRC the bestiality questions were fairly straightforward so the results are probably fine for internal reliability. I strongly believe that her results greatly overrepresent the actual rates of interest in bestiality due to her sampling biases. Her survey has mostly been disseminated through fetlife and her twitter followers, so I would expect almost all kinks to be overrepresented in her results. With regards to bestiality, almost all of the research is flawed in some way and the reported rates vary greatly, but the actual rates seem to be closer to 2-5% of people have at least some zoophilic interests with typically half as many women reported as men, and *maybe* 1% of people have actually engaged or would engage sexually with an animal.

Navarro and Tewksbury (2015) is an ok overview/meta paper on it: https://doi.org/10.1111/soc4.12306
(Use sci-hub)
My anecdotal experience is consistent with these results, which also tally with the evidence for the much smaller proportion of people who have actual experience.