sexual health

  1. K

    Female Health with Male Dog

    Long time lurker with zero experience.. I was looking around and didn’t see my exact question and I thought maybe this was the best location on the forum to ask? Is there cause for concern of infections or other issues if I have sex with a dog? Like I know there’s a chance to be allergic to...
  2. cathead_biscuits

    Should I just give in to the lewd?

    I try to hold back my urges to discuss my sexual fantasies with others, especially with strangers. I have bad and good experiences sharing with my partners my zoo ways. But I would like to find someone who is mentally stable but just has my zoo tendencies as well right off the bat 🦇. It’s...
  3. Pupperdog2005

    STIs to be concerned about?

    hey, not sure if this is thr right forum to post in, but i was wondering what STIs i could catch/give to an animal (dog more specifically) and resources like vaccines i could get to prevent them (btw, i'm biologically male and only into male dogs). tysm to anyone who replies <3 i may not respond...