
  1. YoungFemboyUndHusky

    Has anyone ever had sex with a wild wolf, are their even any photos or videos of it anywhere?

    I have spent years on and off looking for a video of someone getting penetrated or licked by a wild wolf, but could never find such a video. I’ve heard that wild wolves are very likely to attack humans but if I could I would love to go out into the snowy mountains and befriend a pack of wolves...
  2. D

    What Wild Animal Would Be The Hottest Fuck

    Im sure this topic has been brought up here before but I have to give it some fresh energy right now. I want everyone to engage in this fantasy and hear every detail of why. I'm curious if you could have sex with any wild animal what would it be?? To narrow it down some pick animals that do not...
  3. daijm

    Fantasy/wish about another animal

    Hello my friends :):) Often if im with my doggy and he jumpes on me and we do what we do you know ;);) i have the wish to get fucked by another animal doesent matter wich one.... sometimes i have the fantasy about a insect like a snake or something that goes in my pussy while i get rammed in...