
  1. redstarlight666

    Thoughts on Dinosaurs?

    Obviously we all love our furry friends who still roam the earth. But what are y'all's thoughts on the attractiveness of dinosaurs and who's your favorite/sexiest dino? Points for accurate, feathered dinosaur choices but no shame in finding Jurassic Park style dinos sexy. Personally...
  2. pes

    Dinosaur VR games/media

    I am quite surprised I can not find anything decent with dinosaurs for VR. Does anyone know about anything - a game or some sort of interactive VR media where you can get close to dinos? I need it to not be Oculus exclusive. I know about the Jurassic Park game which is not available for any...
  3. pes

    Dinosaurs: feathered or not?

    Regardless of scientific evidence. Which version of dinosaurs do you find more attractive?