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The most terrifying part? There are people alive (well, by SOME definitions of "alive"- mostly ones that include walking around while possessing the intellectual capacity of a rock) who would actually argue that this is an image of reality!
The most terrifying part? There are people alive (well, by SOME definitions of "alive"- mostly ones that include walking around while possessing the intellectual capacity of a rock) who would actually argue that this is an image of reality!
Yeah pretty scary indeed.
The most terrifying part? There are people alive (well, by SOME definitions of "alive"- mostly ones that include walking around while possessing the intellectual capacity of a rock) who would actually argue that this is an image of reality!
There was a point in time, where 2 frat boys, bet each other they could get other people to believe, that they believed the earth was flat. To win the bet, they had to convince the poor soul that the earth was flat.
Why? Because at one point, i refused to believe that someone could possibly be that stupid, to believe in this nonsense (barring the actual intellectually challenged of course).

Today, I see proof, first hand, that there are people that stupid (for a lack of a better word we have yet to invent). I don't know if it is because of where I work, or the possibility that there are that many people, that have somehow avoided a death worthy of an entry in Darwin's journal.

Congratulations humanity. We are now 5 steps closer to Idiocracy.
I love you, but i wish you were dead.
I hate you, but i wish you would acknowledge me.
I just want to matter to someone, or to something.
I just want to be remembered.
Why do i fight? So you can watch me?
So you can watch me and whisper my name until the end of time,
as the one man who found himself through his misery,
who chiseled out a face for himself in the throes of death?
Swinging a sword, moving his feet, walking with invisible strings, am i not as well?
Am i not your puppet?
Am i not your puppet?!
Answer me!
(From Heart String Marionette)am_i_not_your_puppet.jpg
There was a point in time, where 2 frat boys, bet each other they could get other people to believe, that they believed the earth was flat. To win the bet, they had to convince the poor soul that the earth was flat.
Why? Because at one point, i refused to believe that someone could possibly be that stupid, to believe in this nonsense (barring the actual intellectually challenged of course).

Today, I see proof, first hand, that there are people that stupid (for a lack of a better word we have yet to invent). I don't know if it is because of where I work, or the possibility that there are that many people, that have somehow avoided a death worthy of an entry in Darwin's journal.

Congratulations humanity. We are now 5 steps closer to Idiocracy.
"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidty, and I'm not sure about the former." - A. Einstein

NEVER be surprised at the depths to which the stupid can sink. Remember that old line - "Make it idiotproof, and they'll just make bigger idiots".
Yeah, that would be the one. I would have preferred the Rockies, but one deal with the hand dealt.