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Mysterious Phone call


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Sunday afternoon I received a telephone call from the Number (410) 705-0681,
a young man introduced himself as "Roy" and attempted to extort $200. from me.
He knew My ID "Bigpaws" and knew I worked for a Safari Park.
he made a threat to "out" me to the Safari Park, unless I gave him money.

I laughed at him.
I told him "sure, go ahead, call the Safari park".
he then lowered the dollar amount to $100.
at this point I KNEW this wanna be, didn't have a clue
so I taunted him "go, give them a call".
and I hung up on him.
He called right back, I let it go to voicemail.
his threat is Hollow.
it was kinda obvious he had no cue that a Safari Park
has over 100 Jobs, 3 of which involve working with the animals directly.
and Yes I work for the Safari, but No I do not work directly with animals.
so his threats were of no value.

I am posting this to raise it up the flagpole, since ZV is the ONLY Zoo content site
I have any account on. I suspect it's a ZV user.
as I mentioned previously, I do not use social media programs like Telegram, discord, kik.
Nor do I facebook/instagram/pintrest.

I remember what GeoCities was like back in the day & I refuse to re-live those days.
did you have an account on the previous incarnation of zooville, the one where all the account information got leaked? I think that data dump gets passed around by hackers a lot so if your email address was in there maybe they tracked it back to a real identity

that's the only thing i can think of
I'm not overly worried, in the Decade I have been with the Safari Park, I have NEVER taken it upon myself to take liberties with the Park Animals.
there is a time & place for everything.
when you work with animals for a living, it serves you well to keep those Primal instincts tucked away and away from your place of employment.
I'm not overly worried, in the Decade I have been with the Safari Park, I have NEVER taken it upon myself to take liberties with the Park Animals.
there is a time & place for everything.
when you work with animals for a living, it serves you well to keep those Primal instincts tucked away and away from your place of employment.

Listen to this incredibly wise Bruin, children. He knows whereof he speaks.
when you work with animals for a living, it serves you well to keep those Primal instincts tucked away and away from your place of employment.
Really wish that mentality was more prevelent. Then we wouldn't get idiots requesting content of vets and/or kennel workers messing around with their patients. Seriously? No professional in their right mind would jeopardize their career like that any more than an OBGYN would drug and rape their patients then film it and stick it online.
You have actually just confirmed some of the information the mysterious guy knew. And perhaps added some more. It is a common trick among police investigators and internet revenge groups to pretend to know something they dont know for sure and see how their target reacts. Remember tat everyone can read this. Your mysterious caller just as well.
You have actually just confirmed some of the information the mysterious guy knew. And perhaps added some more. It is a common trick among police investigators and internet revenge groups to pretend to know something they dont know for sure and see how their target reacts. Remember tat everyone can read this. Your mysterious caller just as well.

sure, but to NOT "call out" these folks is just as bad.
sure it's social engineering/hacking. that's keenly obvious.
This just proves why it's important to have account discipline. Maybe I'm fucked from coming from bb boards, 4chan and shit. But the fact that this even happened is simply unacceptable. Nobody should be liking their public social media either on purpose or by accident. You dont have to go by your furry name absolutely everywhere. Use a throwaway username that blends in with the rest of the crowd and give false information out at random.
That's a bit alarming. I know I found out someone I knew's son was a furry on Telegram because I still had his number programmed into my phone. He had since erased mine, but because Telegram imports your contacts you can see who all's on it. He posted a pic of a Pokemon with canine bits and confirmed what I had already wondered (he wore a fox tail to a festival we went to). He didn't know it was me because I used a different name. It just goes to show you that if you aren't careful people can find out personal bits about you in unexpected ways. Honestly I'm glad I found out, since it helped me to realize how careful I myself needed to be.