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Have you accepted your sexuality?

Have you completely accepted your sexuality?

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Sooo I’m bored tonight and drunk and thought I might try doing a poll to see how many zoos have accepted their sexuality.
During the whole coronavirus pandemic it’s given me time too really accept myself and the things that turn me on.
Too all the woman who take the knot, I put them on a pedestal.
The knottiness of it, shape of cock stuck in a woman’s vagina..: It’s one of the hottest things too me in the world. When I think of dog sex, it’s just euphoric in a way. No shame, no regrets, just happiness there is other people like me.
But at the end of the day, I know it my heart it must stay a secret because the world isn’t ready for us to be open yet.
So please participate if you want. Thanks 😊
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When I'm solber I don't care that much about zoo or look at dogs, or think much about it.
When I'm NOT solber, the fantasy and interest in female dogs goes thru the roof, if I see a sexy female k9 I have a hard time to not stare

Edit: yepp
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I have accepted it. Now, it is just a matter of meeting others in my area who have done the same.
Sooo I’m bored tonight and drunk and thought I might try doing a poll to see how many zoos have accepted their sexuality.
During the whole coronavirus pandemic it’s given me time too really accept myself and the things that turn me on.
Too all the woman who take the knot, I put them on a pedestal.
The knottiness of it, shape of cock stuck in a woman’s vagina..: It’s one of the hottest things too me in the world. When I think of dog sex, it’s just euphoric in a way. No shame, no regrets, just happiness there is other people like me.
But at the end of the day, I know it my heart it must stay a secret because the world isn’t ready for us to be open yet.
So please participate if you want. Thanks 😊
So your sexuality is hetero and you are into people.
So what you are accepting here are basically fetishes.
So your sexuality is hetero and you are into people.
So what you are accepting here are basically fetishes.
Hmmm. I don’t think I ever mentioned I was straight.
But Im a big fan of interspecies sex (woman & k9). So if given the opportunity, I would join a woman in giving knotty oral sex along with helping her hold the knot in place.
So one could consider that a fetish idk, all I know is... I like what I like 😁
I struggled with it for a while but I'm at a place now where I feel comfortable with it. I might struggle with it again if I ever get into a situation where I'll be able to participate in it IRL, but that's probably not gonna happen for many years, if ever.
My sexuality is based on love so accepting it was not so difficult. The difficult part is not being able to talk to anyone about it, though I love animals for a reson so that's that.
I accept and admit I'm gay, I'm not sure i understand my need to keep experimenting with hidden urges.
Yes I have accepted myself as a zoosexual. I never really denied it, but it was a bit confusing at first. But there is no doubt now that I am and will always be a zoo.
I don't even think about it tbh. Someone asked me if I was gay or bi the other day. My knee-jerk response was going to say gay. But for me I guess I don't actually know. I used to date women, now I prefer men but I'm not exactly hard wired one way or the other.

I know I used to get upset when people claimed it was a choice to be gay. But at the very least I understand it's not a choice on who you find attractive but it is a choice to act on it.

What were we talking about again?

Oh yes I'm completely comfortable with whatever I am sexually.