Fun fact about yourself

I have a bit of agoraphobia (fear of being trapped in the line at the checkout)
If I had the choice, I would rather fight a grizzly bear in the forest than go shopping.
Really tiny distinction here. Agoraphobia isn't specifically the fear of being stuck in a line at checkout. It's the fear of any situation/place that makes you feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed. People with social anxiety disorder are more likely to develop agoraphobia if they don't get out and find a routine that works for them. Full blown agoraphobia is usually and incorrectly lumped in with traits of Anthrophobia (the fear of people), Ergophobia (fear of the workplace environment) and Scopophobia (the fear of being seen). The latter of which is almost always the result of past trauma.

I understand the sentiment though. Even as an adult in the checkout line I have flashbacks to the moments where, as a kid, my mom would make me hold her place in line while she ran to get something she forgot. I always got so nervous that the cashier would expect me to somehow fork over the money for the groceries.

Have you considered a grocery pickup? Walmart, Target, and most big name super markets all have their own delivery or pick up service. I use a pick up service and find it to be stress free.
ich liebe es mich zu unterwerfen, es ist meine Passion. Da meine Herrin sehr zufrieden mit mir ist, nehme ich an, dass ich das sehr gut kann
Das klingt wundervoll. Ich bin froh, dass Sie beide glücklich sind und Ihre Bedürfnisse erfüllt haben.
Since I was able to bring all 3 of my exes to near-orgasm (if not full orgasm) just from suckling on their breasts, I am confident enough to state that I do have the ability to bring a woman to orgasm just from nursing on their breasts.
Fascinating! I did read, somewhere, about some of them being related, so, there has to be more. I believe you.
I did the research years ago on how I was related to them. The only one I can seem to remember is being related to Bonnie Parker through a marriage of a cousin.
I did the research years ago on how I was related to them. The only one I can seem to remember is being related to Bonnie Parker through a marriage of a cousin.
Ah yes. I think it may have been Bonnie or Clyde related to Jesse James...some such thing.
Ah yes. I think it may have been Bonnie or Clyde related to Jesse James...some such thing.
It was Bonnie who was related to Jesse James. Bonnie was psychotic at best. Clyde Barrow was actually a good man until she got ahold of him.
It was Bonnie who was related to Jesse James. Bonnie was psychotic at best. Clyde Barrow was actually a good man until she got ahold of him.
Not the first time a woman turned a good man into an undesirable. I can say that as a woman. It's unfortunate.