What is your line of work?

Long time auto mechanic, got into investments, played well, now I travel and occasionally work on vehicles still, also have a business that keeps itself running pretty much.
Thanks for the shout-out to the farmering community 🤘 if I may, do you have family that also farm or do you farm yourself?
Please accept my apologies for taking so long to reply. Not me or any family, but I have a few friends whose families are farmers, and they are friends, as well. From them, I've learned how much work, and sometimes long hours are involved, as well as worries about the weather, market prices, (never high enough) seed costs, equipment costs and maintenance, etc. The moisture content of your corn you've grown and harvested? Whoa.
I have the highest regard for anyone who can make all that work. It's why everything that goes on my table was grown domestically, locally if I can get it.
I'm still an international spy, but I also train dolphins and my cover when spying is exotic dancer. Shhhhh!

@Kristy I'm pleased you mentioned about winter and summer electricity. I know that winter electricity is thicker than the summer kind, is that because it gets cold and sort of coagulates, d'you think? I've got a thick piece of wire that goes into the ground, so I guess that is how it drains off but I don't know how it does it. Maybe it's self aware?
All those dollar bills I've been tucking in your g-string, and you're actually a spy???

Yes, you see, all that waste electricity that goes down your ground wire goes into an underground "electricity septic tank." You'll know when it's time to empty it, by the tingly feeling in your feet when you walk across your yard.
Please accept my apologies for taking so long to reply. Not me or any family, but I have a few friends whose families are farmers, and they are friends, as well. From them, I've learned how much work, and sometimes long hours are involved, as well as worries about the weather, market prices, (never high enough) seed costs, equipment costs and maintenance, etc. The moisture content of your corn you've grown and harvested? Whoa.
I have the highest regard for anyone who can make all that work. It's why everything that goes on my table was grown domestically, locally if I can get it.
Lol cool, no worries. Yea im 8yrs in and still feel like a novice.. Never boring though but thank you for the kind words and supporting your local producers!
Always goes a long way! 🙂
I'm still an international spy, but I also train dolphins and my cover when spying is exotic dancer. Shhhhh!

@Kristy I'm pleased you mentioned about winter and summer electricity. I know that winter electricity is thicker than the summer kind, is that because it gets cold and sort of coagulates, d'you think? I've got a thick piece of wire that goes into the ground, so I guess that is how it drains off but I don't know how it does it. Maybe it's self aware?
Ya know, coagumalated eeeelecttricklety
is the worstest kind....it just sorta sits and stares at the socket 'stead of gettin"busy with 'er....only way to fix it is to immolate a chicken in the name of Sparky, the God of Current. Or izzit Caledonia, the Goddess of Currants? Jeez....whereat iz my "Bulfinch"?
I am currently the Organizer and Chief Coordinator of the Intergalactic Conspiracy Against Socialism.
Who does not believe me - ask SimSexrets.