Sizes and depths of our mates.


Citizen of Zooville
I was just wondering if any men who have sexual intercourse with the smaller mini mares and have well endowed penises have ever been lucky enough to bottom out in a small mares vagina while balls deep and touched their glans to a mares cervix?

Is this possible and has any man ever reached the tip of his penis to a mares cervix? This is a fantasy of mine to penetrate every last inch of a smaller mare for pleasure and excitement. Has anyone succeeded?


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Even with standardbreds its possible to bottom and even pass the cervix. It depends on the heat cycle.
inquiring minds would love know how many men in the world are over 12inches..... let alone over 20
grew up on a horse farm standards and morgans

seen the vet nearly to his shoulder palpating a mare to tell if she was pregnant or not more then once on different mares
Oh wow, that is really amazing!

Have you ever been able to do this? That would be an incredible feeling to actually bottom out in a mares vagina. My goal would be to grind my glans into a mares cervix and align the opening of my penis with the opening of her cervix when I cum pumping my sperm directly into her uterus!

If it’s actually possible to insert the tip of your penis through her cervix that would be even more exciting! My dick is so hard right now just imagining this! I want to fill a mare with my hot fertile cum so bad! 😍
And you can take that nonsense right back to the fantasy section.
Evidently it’s not fantasy.


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inquiring minds would love know how many men in the world are over 12inches..... let alone over 20
grew up on a horse farm standards and morgans

seen the vet nearly to his shoulder palpating a mare to tell if she was pregnant or not more then once on different mares
Believe it or not a mares vagina length can vary from 6-9 inches depending on heat cycles yet can stretch with larger stallion penises.

Mini mares and ponies have even shorter vagina lengths.

Female Reproductive Anatomy​

The mare’s reproductive tract lies in a horizontal position within the abdominal and pelvic cavities. It includes the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, oviducts and ovaries (Figure 1). Changes in the anatomy or interruption in the function of any section can contribute to reproductive problems.

Figure 1: Reproductive Tract of the Mare


The vulva is the exterior opening to the reproductive canal. It consists of the labia, clitoris and the vestibule. The construction of this region is important because it serves to protect the mare from the entrance of air and other contaminants into the vaginal vault.


The vagina consists of a 6- to 8inch long muscular, mucus membrane lined tube which connects the vestibule of the vulva to the cervix. The vaginal tissues must be extremely elastic and distensible to accommodate the penis in breeding and the foal during birth.


Basically a highly distensible muscle, the cervix is approximately 4 inches long and appears as a circle of folded tissue at the anterior surface of the vaginal vault. Its shape and characteristics change significantly in response to the body’s hormonal environment. In response to increased estrogen produced during estrus, the cervix appears pink due to increased vascularity. During this period, it produces thin, watery mucus and is so relaxed that it is often found lying limp on the vaginal floor. This flaccid cervical tone facilitates passage of semen during live cover or breeding instruments with artificial breeding. In contrast, when the cervix is under the influence of progesterone during the diestrous period and pregnancy, it produces a thick, sticky mucus, and is tightly closed and held in the center of the vaginal wall. The physical barrier produced by a healthy cervix provides a major line of defense against uterine contamination and infection. Consequently, damage to this structure can result in significant problems in maintaining fertility (Figure 2).


This is a multi-layered, hollow, Y-shaped organ. The base of the Y is called the uterine body, while the two branches are called the horns. The uterus is suspended within the body cavity by two tough, sheet-like structures called the broad ligaments. Sagging of these ligaments with age, parity or trauma can cause a downward tilting of the uterus. This conformation can predispose the mare to the backwash of urine (urine pooling) into the reproductive tract and its accumulation at the cervix. Urine pooling can cause uterine infection and poor fertility.

The uterus is composed of three distinct layers. The outermost, serous layer is continuous with their broad ligaments. The middle layer, myometrium, consists of two sheets of muscular tissue, one oriented longitudinally and one circularly. The myometrium is responsible for the powerful contractions which expel the foal at birth. The endometrium is the innermost layer. It is a complex mucosal membrane containing a rich blood supply and many glands.

The ultimate function of the uterus is to protect, nourish and provide an environment conducive to the development of the embryo and fetus, and to expel the fetus during birth. Maintaining healthy tissues within the endometrium is crucial for optimal fertility. In fact, endometritis (uterine infection) is a major cause of infertility in mares.
there you go, happy mare arousals, you got it under control man if indeed you are endowed...kkk like a stallion you are
Believe it or not a mares vagina length can vary from 6-9 inches depending on heat cycles yet can stretch with larger stallion penises.

Mini mares and ponies have even shorter vagina lengths.
I must admit i hadn't truly thought about my comment at that time.

In fact, if i had thought a moment, i would have realized that the vet was not in her vagina to feel if she was pregnant.

As far as length i honestly have no true clue, but, you must admit it would seem like a horse that takes a baseball bat length stallion would be slightly longer then the average stallion to prevent over length discomfort and such.
Its possible the Equine vaginal barrel lengthens in the heat cycle, the same way an erection does, because that 'measured' length figure seems to correspond with a stallion's penis at rest. But the figure also seems quite self-serving. Since most of the Vaginal nerve endings, and the clitoris are in the immediate area of the opening, enough rubbing can produce an orgasm....But its simply vanity to think she feels a human the same way as she'd feel a stud. Mares are very aware of masculinity around them, equine or human. Mustang gals here in Nevada are aware of the males in their vicinity, to the point that if I, for instance, urinate in front of a filly or mare downwind, she will often squat and piss in response...She isnt just saying "hello"....but believe it....she knows I'm not the Herd Stallion.
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Even with standardbreds its possible to bottom and even pass the cervix. It depends on the heat cycle.
What brand of dope are you smoking, son? Whatever it is, change to something else - ANYTHING else! Lettuce leaves, shredded dollar bills, whatever you can come up with, 'cause whatever you're on now has erased even the slightest semblance of sense from you.

The idea that any human other than those in the same "sideshow performer" category as the porn stars from the 70s who billed themselves as "Long Dong Silver" and "The Texas Longhorn", has even half of a glimmering of a bare possibility of a chance of getting deep enough into a mare to touch her cervix with his penis is nothing but purest fantasy.

You'd need a solid 10 inches to accomplish the feat with even the smallest mini-mare I've ever encountered. The standardbreds you speak of (while quite obviously not having any idea what you're talking about) would likely require 18 inches or better to get there. And let's not even bother with the fact that trying it on a draft mare would require something above 24 inches to even get kinda-sorta close.

Oh wow, that is really amazing!
No, that's pure fantasy being spoken by someone who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.

Have you ever been able to do this?
No, he hasn't, and neither has any other human being.

That would be an incredible feeling to actually bottom out in a mares vagina.

And it's a feeling you'll never experience, unless you're hauling around an absolute minimum of a full foot of cock when you've got a stiffy, AND manage to stumble across a freakishly tiny mini-mare.

My goal would be to grind my glans into a mares cervix and align the opening of my penis with the opening of her cervix when I cum pumping my sperm directly into her uterus!

Your goal is hopelessly out of reach, and always will be, unless you've got more than 12 inches of stiff meat between your legs. (and even that much probably won't be enough unless you find a *VERY* - pathologically - shallow mare.

If it’s actually possible to insert the tip of your penis through her cervix that would be even more exciting!

Oh? You've got a thing for giving a mare a potentially fatal uterine infection? Good to know so that you can be added to the list of "keep this person away from horses at all costs" people.

My dick is so hard right now just imagining this! I want to fill a mare with my hot fertile cum so bad! 😍

Evidently it’s not fantasy.
Evidently, you have absolutely no knowledge of a mare's anatomy. You propose PURE fantasy. The only way any human is going to accomplish it is by killing the mare, removing her reproductive tract, and threading it onto his cock the same way you'd pull on a sock.
I must admit i hadn't truly thought about my comment at that time.

In fact, if i had thought a moment, i would have realized that the vet was not in her vagina to feel if she was pregnant.

As far as length i honestly have no true clue, but, you must admit it would seem like a horse that takes a baseball bat length stallion would be slightly longer then the average stallion to prevent over length discomfort and such.
Not much need to think about it - The vet was surely going up her ass to do a pregnancy palpation, but as someone who has been into mare vagina *PAST THE ELBOW* (both on a "do a job" level - as in "reach inside and reposition a mal-presented foal" , and "well, she insisted my dick wasn't enough, so here's my arm" recreational level) I can say with at least some authority based on practical experience that no human, under any circumstances outside of a fantasy, is EVER going to manage to make contact with a mare's cervix with his penis. It just plain ain't gonna happen. (Well, OK, as noted elsewhere, perhaps the 70s porn stars Long Dong Silver or The Texas Longhorn might be able to, but I wouldn't bet on it, since I never once saw either of those two get an erection stiff enough to put it in a human, never mind anything else)
I must admit i hadn't truly thought about my comment at that time.

In fact, if i had thought a moment, i would have realized that the vet was not in her vagina to feel if she was pregnant.

As far as length i honestly have no true clue, but, you must admit it would seem like a horse that takes a baseball bat length stallion would be slightly longer then the average stallion to prevent over length discomfort and such.
Yes absolutely! They can stretch supposedly but it’s nice to know that we can actually in some instances reach their cervix.

I’m 7.5 inches but can cram in 8” which is within that range. My ejaculations however can shoot anywhere from 2-5 feet in distance if I’m really aroused and hydrated.

If I mated with a mare I would definitely be over excited and aroused beyond words. I’d probably splatter on her cervix deep within her that she would turn around and look back at me! 😂
6-9 inches in minis and ponies are shorter.


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6-9 inches in minis and ponies are shorter.
According to wikipedia... The actual animal veterinary site right above that shows a radically different measure. And I'd also be willing to bet it's not counting the entrance vulva depth, which most men aren't even going to pass, especially considering the mechanics of getting yourself pressed against a large elevated horse posterior.
6-9 inches in minis and ponies are shorter.
Believe what you like, but don't expect reality to conform to your fantasies. As I've noted already, I've been past-elbow-deep in mares for both business and pleasure. From this real-world experience, I can say with certainty that unless they're freaks of nature, there is no such thing as a human with a long enough pecker to get anywhere near bumping against a mare's cervix, however hard he wishes he might. Hell, as far as that goes, there are few who have enough meat to even get *TO*, never mind *THROUGH* the vagina itself.
According to wikipedia... The actual animal veterinary site right above that shows a radically different measure. And I'd also be willing to bet it's not counting the entrance vulva depth, which most men aren't even going to pass, especially considering the mechanics of getting yourself pressed against a large elevated horse posterior.
Yep, there's that factor, as well. Most of us who are active with horses ignore the reality that the majority of us don't even get the tip into the vagina itself, because we simply don't have the actual length needed to get past the "front porch". At best, a human can get a couple of inches into the actual vagina. Any claim otherwise is an ego-sop for whoever is making it. Fantasies of cervical contact are exactly that: fantasies. The only hope ANYBODY has of making contact with a mare's cervix is by putting an arm inside her. And for those who try that, *FOR THE SAKE OF WHATEVER YOU HOLD HOLY, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSERT *ANYTHING* INTO THE OPENING OF THE CERVIX FOR ANY REASON* - not unless your intent is to cause a uterine infection that will likely kill her slow and miserable.
Why such a hard tone? If I put my penis inside the cervix and ejaculate 5 ml of my pure semen, why would it be fatal if a stallion with not so clean penis ejaculates 50 ml inside uterus? If the mare is in estrus the immunosystem is prepared to cope with the invitable uterine infection that follows a natural breeding.
Why such a hard tone? If I put my penis inside the cervix and ejaculate 5 ml of my pure semen, why would it be fatal if a stallion with not so clean penis ejaculates 50 ml inside uterus? If the mare is in estrus the immunosystem is prepared to cope with the invitable uterine infection that follows a natural breeding.
You clearly need to retake 4th grade sex ed. No animal penetrates the cervix at any time.
You clearly need to retake 4th grade sex ed. No animal penetrates the cervix at any time.
Not QUITE accurate - pigs and camelids do. Pigs penetrate and "lock into" the cervix, litererally like a bolt threading into a nut, complete with threads, while AT LEAST llamas and alpacas out of the camelids - if not camels, vicuna and guanacos - routinely pass the penis entirely through the cervix, AND the body of the uterus, and (usually, though nobody has explained why) enter the left fallopian tube where ejaculation (if the "dribble" that a llama produces can be called "ejaculation" - it's more of a "slow leak" that goes on for anywhere from a few minutes to an hour) takes place.

However, no evidence at all exists for *ANY* human to *EVER* do so much as bump up against anything other than a human cervix, never mind penetrate it. We just ain't hung well enough to have any chance whatsoever of doing so without first removing the reproductive tract from the critter and putting it on a dick the same way you'd put a sock onto a foot.
I was not implicating that a stallion in natural breeding inserted his dick into the cervix. It however occationaly happen but with very bad consequences. But normally the stallions flare makes a efficient stop from reflux of the ejaculate and forces whole of the 50 ml big deposit thru the cervix into uterus. With debris and a lot of bacteria along with sperms and prostathetic fluid neccesary to make the mare pregnant.
I was not implicating that a stallion in natural breeding inserted his dick into the cervix. It however occationaly happen but with very bad consequences. But normally the stallions flare makes a efficient stop from reflux of the ejaculate and forces whole of the 50 ml big deposit thru the cervix into uterus. With debris and a lot of bacteria along with sperms and prostathetic fluid neccesary to make the mare pregnant.
50 ml? Um... Suggest you go back and retake "Horse sexual biology 101" again... The Class A mini-stallions (The smallest breed there is, short of victims of dwarfism) I've collected routinely delivered closer to 500+ ml of semen - AFTER filtering off the gel fraction. And lets not even get into the 800-1200 ml that's pretty typical for "the big boys" such as percherons, belgians, and similar drafters. Hell, the "spillage" that hits the ground after a mini-stalion dismounts from a live-cover breeding is often several times more than the "50 ml" you speak of!

(Put another way, your near-total lack of actual knowledge on the topic is glaringly obvious to anyone who has had hands-on experience in the breeding shed, rather than just reading about it on a website or taking their "facts" from some fevered would-be porn author's wank material. I strongly urge you to get some actual education/experience before you try offering any more so-called "advice" to newbies. Failure to do so could get somebody (or a horse) severely injured, infected, or even dead if your "advice" is followed)
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