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k9/breeding/not real


Hey I am Angie. Limited experience just really getting back into the lifestyle after almost 2 years of taking a break. I had an experience that put everything on hold. I have done a lot of reading, and as i am diving back into it. I was hoping that there was others with the same false pregnancy experience similar that I had to chat with share knowledge.
I hear that false pregnancy symptoms happen sometimes. You don't have anything to worry about, but if it makes you feel better, you can go on BC pills.
Hey I am Angie. Limited experience just really getting back into the lifestyle after almost 2 years of taking a break. I had an experience that put everything on hold. I have done a lot of reading, and as i am diving back into it. I was hoping that there was others with the same false pregnancy experience similar that I had to chat with share knowledge.
I have heard that if you have taken the dogs cum/sperm into your cervix and for those who don’t believe that is possible I totally beg to differ. That the female body reacts to the hormones that are present and then you can get the false pregnancy.

Depending upon how much you have done it with your k9 lover. You can get as far as missing your period to getting the larger breast size because the body thinks you have gotten pregnant.
I have heard that if you have taken the dogs cum/sperm into your cervix and for those who don’t believe that is possible I totally beg to differ. That the female body reacts to the hormones that are present and then you can get the false pregnancy.

Depending upon how much you have done it with your k9 lover. You can get as far as missing your period to getting the larger breast size because the body thinks you have gotten pregnant.
False pregnancy is a real condition, but a rare one. It primarily occurs as a psychosomatic response to a woman believing or wishing strongly to become pregnant, her mind is so focused on pregnancy that it can actually affect her body and produce pregnancy symptoms. So it is possible a woman could develop false pregnancy if she is very intent on the idea of getting pregnant with her dog.

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with absorbed hormones from male sperm. You want us to believe you're anything more than an idiot spreading misinformation, link a reliable source that supports your claims that hormones from semen absorbed vaginally can cause false pregnancy in women.
So much false information out there, and so little in the way of medical and scientific proof that is accurate or backed up that the thought does occur at times of what if every one is wrong and I can actually fall pregnant, I know it is scientifically impossible but my body has sometimes given me a little fright in the past with that phantom pregnancy feeling.it really is a little unnerving and scary.
So much false information out there, and so little in the way of medical and scientific proof that is accurate or backed up that the thought does occur at times of what if every one is wrong and I can actually fall pregnant, I know it is scientifically impossible but my body has sometimes given me a little fright in the past with that phantom pregnancy feeling.it really is a little unnerving and scary.
Yeah i was freaken out with very mix emotions
Hey I am Angie. Limited experience just really getting back into the lifestyle after almost 2 years of taking a break. I had an experience that put everything on hold. I have done a lot of reading, and as i am diving back into it. I was hoping that there was others with the same false pregnancy experience similar that I had to chat with share knowledge.
Truly wish you the best and that you can retake this beautiful passion.
A missed period does not always mean a false pregnancy. It could be a delayed period for various reasons. My wife had this happen occasionally, even though it would have been impossible for her to be pregnant.
Well wiki said that if you focus to much on being pregnant you can have kinda placebo effect, in the sence that you get the simptoms.
Well, if you're fucking a dog

Or a waterbuffalo

and you think you got pregnant.

Not sure I would be actually admitting to that publicly or privately.

That's a whole other level.
To some people, in the moment, believing you are conceiving, is a big turn on, I know i used to do that with my Rottweiler, I knew that it was "not possible", but that only made me try harder, and HARDER to do it anyway ;D, Spending a lifetime trying to prove them wrong is an absolute win, even if you never actually prove them wrong, its the experience that matters.

"so chances are 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 to 0.01 that i can knock up my canine lover you say?, well shit i better get started right now then, its gonna be a busy night, hold my beer!"
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Yes I have phantom pregnancy with my dog. Before sex with the dog, my partner used condoms and still does.

I am not on birth control.

I always had regular periods, but since being with the dog I dont and have pregnancy symptoms. The only thing that changed in my life was being active xx
I've never heard of this before but so glad it is a massive turn on for many women 😊 I'm a man so this would never happen
to me sadly lol
I feel like I'm not the only one who finds a deep meaning when I listen to the song, I want to fuck you like an animal!

yes it exists, google is your friend, especially if you find the un-censored version, she really does use the F word, with quite a seductive voice.