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Whats your other half doing right now?


Zooville Settler
I work away from home and the separation anxiety and frequent nightmares are beginning to eat at me again, and the best way to drown deamons is in honey!
Please tell me some sweet things about you and your partner to help keep my mind off not being able to be with my girl.
Anything at at all will do, even if they're asleep give them a poke and describe the cute little grunt they make!
My dog is currently sleeping upside down with three of his legs up in the air.
Sounds majestic as fuck, for how long can he maintain this pose for?
What happens when you poke him?
How long does it take for him to wake up if you're holding a piece of beef jerkey right over his nose?
Does he ever get sick of your shit?
Sounds majestic as fuck, for how long can he maintain this pose for?
I never measured it. :D But I guess about 15 minutes.
What happens when you poke him?
He usually falls to one side and continues sleeping.
How long does it take for him to wake up if you're holding a piece of beef jerkey right over his nose?
Opening the fridge in the other room teleports him next to me.
Does he ever get sick of your shit?
Fortunately I feed him quality food. :D
My girl is demanding belly rubs. She rolls over in front of me and if I stop petting her, she growls and whips her tail in frustration.
She must be beautiful, to be spoilt for belly rubs to the point where she's demanding it she must be too pretty to say no to.
Thats what my girl is like but with her food, she wont eat steak unless its seasoned and shes more than capable of not eating for a whole day or 2 if she wants to prove a point about changing biscuits.

Whipping tails can be a mean weapon when said dog learns to weaponise it correctly, is she actively smacking you up or are you just collateral damage when she goes retard mode?
Opening the fridge in the other room teleports him next to me.

Fortunately I feed him quality food.
Ah yes, the tried and true method of dog summoning, this can also be done by firmly grasping a bag of chips!

Are you ever able to get him so excited he cant follow instructions?
Is there a smidge of labradore i this dog of yours?
She must be beautiful, to be spoilt for belly rubs to the point where she's demanding it she must be too pretty to say no to.
Thats what my girl is like but with her food, she wont eat steak unless its seasoned and shes more than capable of not eating for a whole day or 2 if she wants to prove a point about changing biscuits.

Whipping tails can be a mean weapon when said dog learns to weaponise it correctly, is she actively smacking you up or are you just collateral damage when she goes retard mode?
1. Is she beautiful? Yes. 10/10 the absolute best, Selena Gomez fuck off I want to kiss this dog.

2. Your girl won't eat steak unless it's seasoned? Damn you know how to treat a girl.

3. Her tail is fluffy and generally harmless. She whips it in frustration the way a person might stomp their feet or wave their arms when frustrated. But if I ignore the growling and tail whipping she will shove her face into my computer or slap my phone out of my hand. I literally can't get mad at her though. 🥰
1. Is she beautiful? Yes. 10/10 the absolute best, Selena Gomez fuck off I want to kiss this dog.

2. Your girl won't eat steak unless it's seasoned? Damn you know how to treat a girl.

3. Her tail is fluffy and generally harmless. She whips it in frustration the way a person might stomp their feet or wave their arms when frustrated. But if I ignore the growling and tail whipping she will shove her face into my computer or slap my phone out of my hand. I literally can't get mad at her though. 🥰
Yeh i work away from home so i make a decent amount of money, but due to being gone so long i come home feeling nothing but guilt so my girl lives a life better than most humans do as a result, food has so little sway over her now its a miracle that she ever listens to me!

Floofy tail sounds like a spitz breed, the hardest of all dogs to be mad at as their entire bodies represent the physical manifestation of puppy dog eyes!
I myself own an akita inu... disciplining her causes me physical pain and a mere glance at her as a puppy put me on dialysis.
She is chewing on a new bone, and earlier she was listening for random noises she needs to bark at.
Jokes on you I’m lonely
This makes me sad, i recommend a dog!
They solve all problems with sad and lonely.

Probably sleeping
Throw a slice of ham at him (honey is best) this will wake him up and feed him, it won't achieve anything but im yet to see a dog whom does not appreciate surprise ham!

She is chewing on a new bone, and earlier she was listening for random noises she needs to bark at.
She sounds alert, a good girl she is but much energy she has, fight her for the bone and see what happens!
Being a big ol' lazy bones. Passed out in bed. However, it is 3am so....understandable. Can't wait to bring him to the doggo park this afternoon.
Would tell you something cool, anything to make you happy had I a fur mate to talk about but alas I have no fur babies. Life for some reason has conspired to poop on me in great dumps in this respect. Anyhows I hope things have gotten better for you in this respect and your heart grows fonder for your beloved. May you get back together soon. I have had friend and family members in the past that have had to travel long distances, and work away form home for extended periods of time so I understand your dilemma. I offer kind words of support and friendly supportive hugs. I hope you have a most excellent day with many happy, awesome surprises.
Both of my girls are just napping. The littler one is napping in the kitchen, while my big girl is napping on my bedroom floor. They're a couple of lazy dogs!
Put a square of ham next to the face and watch them slowly consume said food without waking up, this act always brings me joy.
Anyhows I hope things have gotten better for you in this respect and your heart grows fonder for your beloved. May you get back together soon. I have had friend and family members in the past that have had to travel long distances, and work away form home for extended periods of time so I understand your dilemma. I offer kind words of support and friendly supportive hugs. I hope you have a most excellent day with many happy, awesome surprises.
Thanks for the nice words anon, i miss her a lot and can't imagine my life without her so my heart goes out to you as well.

I'll get home to her some day, i miss the feel of her fur.
Put a square of ham next to the face and watch them slowly consume said food without waking up, this act always brings me joy.
Nah, my two will always wake up. My newfie girl will first start sniffing the food in her sleep, her eyes will slowly open while her sniffing gets more intense. She'll realize there's food in front of her, she'll wake up, lift her head up, and then eat it. My littler girl will sniff the food in her sleep, she'll wake up fairly quickly, snag the food and usually gets up and will run off with it while chewing it. It is pretty adorable to watch though.
I'm at work so I hope my lovely mate is having a great time relaxing at home, waiting for his bitch.
Waiting for me to get home from work so he can smother me with all the love!!!!
Thats one of the best parts about dogs, when you're not there they're waiting for you ut when you are home its basically Christmas for them.
No matter how often of how long you leave for they're always exited to see you.

Nah, my two will always wake up. My newfie girl will first start sniffing the food in her sleep, her eyes will slowly open while her sniffing gets more intense. She'll realize there's food in front of her, she'll wake up, lift her head up, and then eat it. My littler girl will sniff the food in her sleep, she'll wake up fairly quickly, snag the food and usually gets up and will run off with it while chewing it. It is pretty adorable to watch though.

Haha sounds adorable, thats the way most dogs seem to do it but for some reason my girl just doesn't feel compelled to put that much effort into anything.
Thats one of the best parts about dogs, when you're not there they're waiting for you ut when you are home its basically Christmas for them.
No matter how often of how long you leave for they're always exited to see you.

Haha sounds adorable, thats the way most dogs seem to do it but for some reason my girl just doesn't feel compelled to put that much effort into anything.
What makes it even better is when you have a vocal dog; so, not only does their world explode with joy, they cherp and howl away as their tails and butts wag so hard
What makes it even better is when you have a vocal dog; so, not only does their world explode with joy, they cherp and howl away as their tails and butts wag so hard
Joy at such a level can't not be infectious, when the tail wags till the but wags untill the whole dog is whipping around like a noodle in a hurricane!
Assuming you're with Newfoundlands that must be a next level hurricane.

My girl is Japanese though so she super reserved and isn't super excitable and rarely makes noise (barking at strangers doesn't count) but when she does get exited her curly little tail goes full helicopter and she trys to slap box you with her forepaws!
You are most welcome for the kind words. Thank you for yours.

Well lets hope getting home comes very soon. I can imagine, puppy fur can be very soft, warm, and cuddly. It makes for something awesome to bury your face in and cuddle up next to.