Zoo exclusive but want a family

I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
Drop hints or make a meme or something that just like your situation where he proposes to you and you tell him and then what would he do in that situation just. like how do you think it’s going to go down or you can make a different thing like would you love a werewolf because I am a fairy are used to that one myself lol 😂. So far she does like to play the scenario game with me where I make up random things like Supergirl going to marry me and then sheen knocks her out and I marry her instead that was an awesome role-play we did nothing in person just talking lol we are fun. I’m surprised I have a girl who found me a and I told her everything 3 months in and it was hard for her really hard and she never knew or thought anything like this so ya but she knows I love her and my dog and I’m a great person lol she told me 🥹 after this and like a month of not talking I’m honest and hard working she cares about me and wants me and no one else I don’t want any other human parents but her I have a real relationship and we still have not had sex she still committed to me we talke all day every day and can have fun doing nothing and I know I can and will satisfyher every need and want but she going to have to except when it’s the time of the month she needs me I’ll be there for both my girls if they want it of course.
So I'm actually a straight zoophile, and a lesbian. Yeah. I can't stand most human males and think human penises are disgusting, but am very attracted to other women. Yet I like getting fucked. I think dog dicks are gorgeous and love the feeling of them thrusting, expanding, and cumming inside of me. I married my partner, we have 3 dogs whom share both of us a few nights every week but are integrated partners of our unusual relationship. The subject of family came up years ago and we decided to go the IVF route at a fertility clinic. No need to know the sperm donor. Our household has grown, but is nothing but love and busy chaos lol.
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
I believe that if he is truly the One that you can tell him anything and if he is truly in love with you then he should accept that!!! Because part of what makes you you that he loves is your life experiences that have made you you!! If that makes any sense.
I believe that if he is truly the One that you can tell him anything and if he is truly in love with you then he should accept that!!! Because part of what makes you you that he loves is your life experiences that have made you you!! If that makes any sense.
I am not advocating that you just drop the bombshell and be like oh and could you please pass me the salt. But during a very intimate time when you are cuddling with your significant other. You possibly bring it up.
So I'm actually a straight zoophile, and a lesbian. Yeah. I can't stand most human males and think human penises are disgusting, but am very attracted to other women. Yet I like getting fucked. I think dog dicks are gorgeous and love the feeling of them thrusting, expanding, and cumming inside of me. I married my partner, we have 3 dogs whom share both of us a few nights every week but are integrated partners of our unusual relationship. The subjectfamily came up years ago and we decided to go the IVF route at a fertility clinic. No need to know the sperm donor. Our household has grown, but is nothing but love and busy chaos
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
It’s a shame that having an animal mate is seen as taboo or disgusting. It might be strange, but my GF and me want to have animal children instead of humans. Naturally we know that’s not possible with our mates, but it’s a fantasy
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
It's easy for any of us to sit here and give you advice, but it's you who has to live with the results, but trying to ease into things a little to try and get a feel for where your man stands on things might really be worth trying before you just give up in defeat.

Is he vindictive or anything that would make you think he would go around outing you to others. If you have both got to the point where marriage is on the table I would hope that if he really isn't into accepting you for you, that he at least cares enough not to want to hurt you. If it was me I would be dropping regular hints or comments that would make him start to wonder about what animals might mean to you without blatantly coming out and saying it. Or you could get someone to email you doggy porn and you open the vid in front of your guy and see how he reacts, if it's not seriously negative, you could say something like "I wonder if (insert your dogs name here.) would ever want to do that with me?" Note your putting the desire for the act onto the dog not saying you would necessarily be into it yourself.

At the end of the day you need to decide if the relationship is worth the risk of something going sideways, and you know better than anyone else what your man is like deep down inside.

I hope it all works out for you no matter what you decide to do, or how you do it.

Although a final thought, just breaking things off might mean you have to answer some questions. So plan ahead for that. But where you are know is holding the lottery ticket, if you scratch it you could win big or lose, but if you never scratch it you will never know.
So I'm actually a straight zoophile, and a lesbian. Yeah. I can't stand most human males and think human penises are disgusting, but am very attracted to other women. Yet I like getting fucked. I think dog dicks are gorgeous and love the feeling of them thrusting, expanding, and cumming inside of me. I married my partner, we have 3 dogs whom share both of us a few nights every week but are integrated partners of our unusual relationship. The subject of family came up years ago and we decided to go the IVF route at a fertility clinic. No need to know the sperm donor. Our household has grown, but is nothing but love and busy chaos lol.
im happy for you it sounds just amazing
So I'm actually a straight zoophile, and a lesbian. Yeah. I can't stand most human males and think human penises are disgusting, but am very attracted to other women. Yet I like getting fucked. I think dog dicks are gorgeous and love the feeling of them thrusting, expanding, and cumming inside of me. I married my partner, we have 3 dogs whom share both of us a few nights every week but are integrated partners of our unusual relationship. The subject of family came up years ago and we decided to go the IVF route at a fertility clinic. No need to know the sperm donor. Our household has grown, but is nothing but love and busy chaos lol.
I think human penises are disgusting and pussies also assholes in general lol but I’m straight and the most attractive pussy in the entire world is K9 and dicks I don’t know Horses do have some nice looking decks for canine tooth definitely ride up there next to them lol so I’m thinking I’m bisexual for nonhumans canine for sure I stroke a dog cock in the Sheath and liked it pit bull to be exact he Wes so handsome but I was to scared to do anything then that and gay phobic but now I know every one has unique things and There is no gay or straight there’s just you and non-binary whatever you wanna call yourself that doesn’t matter does it just labels
I am in a tricky situation as i am currently dating we both love dogs but perhaps i love them a wee bit more😅
She is head over heal over me but i am not in love with her but i really really enjoy her company and talks.
I have not brought up my lifestyle but i wonder if she is the same since she owns 13 dogs..but most being female so i doupt its that.
The sex is for with her is not good for me.
For her it is great as i can just keep going🤣🤣 but i get little pleasure of it and sometimes its hard to keep the joy stick working😬.
It is worth to note that i had not been with a woman for 20 years and no real human friends so i really do not want to lose her by exposing me.but like i said i do not love her the way she does me and she knows it.maybe that would change if she knew what i was into as i would love to share her with some 🐕 boys.
She has said she would do almost anything for me but it has to be on her therms i think.and what is almost anything haha.

This is the first time i actually talk about this😅
I dont see it as mutually exclusive and would be down if were my thing. IN my younger days, kids was not a priority vs career and life goals; pretty sure that took me off the list of some pretty great women in past. Now accomplished and mid aged, I am looking for the right lady now and already told myself if she is younger and wants kids, I wont make that a dealbreaker. If she is all that AND zoo friendly-well FML she can have whatever she wants lol. I am pretty fit/active at my age so cream is still potent=)
My daughter's father was a ship that passed in the night. I'm happy as a single mother hooking up with casual acquaintances. I don't have a pet at home so there's no question of any confrontation with my daughter as she grows up or with any other person. I simply have "friends" who are in the lifestyle whom I visit when daughter is otherwise occupied. There's a way round everything if you work at it.
My daughter's father was a ship that passed in the night. I'm happy as a single mother hooking up with casual acquaintances. I don't have a pet at home so there's no question of any confrontation with my daughter as she grows up or with any other person. I simply have "friends" who are in the lifestyle whom I visit when daughter is otherwise occupied. There's a way round everything if you work at it.
Well sorted out situation.
I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
I will admit, I'm QUITE shocked (even though I shouldn't be) at how many people can't talk to their partners about this or refuse to have partners because of it. I, myself, found me a wife who is just as freaky as I am and we share almost everything sexually in common. There's only one topic we don't share in common but animals is def one we do. However, even the one we don't share in, she knows full well about. Not to mention, I have SEVERAL non-zoo friends who know about my attraction to male dogs. Some are all about sweeping it under the carpet and not talking about it while most don't judge me for it and accept it. Obviously, I won't tell EVERYONE but I at least have a close nit group who all knows me for who I am. The isolation some of you must feel.... I feel so heartbroken for you! I didn't realize how blessed I was until I read through these.
I will admit, I'm QUITE shocked (even though I shouldn't be) at how many people can't talk to their partners about this or refuse to have partners because of it. I, myself, found me a wife who is just as freaky as I am and we share almost everything sexually in common. There's only one topic we don't share in common but animals is def one we do. However, even the one we don't share in, she knows full well about. Not to mention, I have SEVERAL non-zoo friends who know about my attraction to male dogs. Some are all about sweeping it under the carpet and not talking about it while most don't judge me for it and accept it. Obviously, I won't tell EVERYONE but I at least have a close nit group who all knows me for who I am. The isolation some of you must feel.... I feel so heartbroken for you! I didn't realize how blessed I was until I read through these.
Yea i really wish i had some one in rl to talk about this.
Its like being in some invisible prison.
I've not had much luck bringing up the whol3 zoo thing to girls I met on dating apps. First of all, what the fuck is wrong with people on there? They have absolutely no shame about just wanting to fuck, or "pretty girls" with absolutely no other positive traits but expect a man to provide everything for them... I make a decent amount of money at the expense of destroying my body and working 10+ hour days, then I meet up with a nice lady that claims she loves dogs as much as I do... and the first date was literally just her grilling me about how much money I make, or how much my Jeep cost. . I left that night just devastated frankly. I never felt so hopeless and I'm only 25. I went home and snuggled with my dog and in that moment, he was the only being in the world that I felt understood and cared for me. Am I seriously going to be pushing fuckin 30 and either going to be taken advantage of or just end up lonely? I like dogs a little too much... does that mean I'm not allowed to live a happy life in a good relationship?

Does anyone have any tips for dating with a zoo attraction? Or dating in general, honestly. Because I just keep getting caught up with bad ones. What sites do you use? Do you try meetup events? Maybe meet someone at the dog park?
I've not had much luck bringing up the whol3 zoo thing to girls I met on dating apps. First of all, what the fuck is wrong with people on there? They have absolutely no shame about just wanting to fuck, or "pretty girls" with absolutely no other positive traits but expect a man to provide everything for them... I make a decent amount of money at the expense of destroying my body and working 10+ hour days, then I meet up with a nice lady that claims she loves dogs as much as I do... and the first date was literally just her grilling me about how much money I make, or how much my Jeep cost. . I left that night just devastated frankly. I never felt so hopeless and I'm only 25. I went home and snuggled with my dog and in that moment, he was the only being in the world that I felt understood and cared for me. Am I seriously going to be pushing fuckin 30 and either going to be taken advantage of or just end up lonely? I like dogs a little too much... does that mean I'm not allowed to live a happy life in a good relationship?

Does anyone have any tips for dating with a zoo attraction? Or dating in general, honestly. Because I just keep getting caught up with bad ones. What sites do you use? Do you try meetup events? Maybe meet someone at the dog park?
I would use this site but still be very careful what you say and if you reveal your self.
Slow and steady for this kind of thing.
I've not had much luck bringing up the whol3 zoo thing to girls I met on dating apps. First of all, what the fuck is wrong with people on there? They have absolutely no shame about just wanting to fuck, or "pretty girls" with absolutely no other positive traits but expect a man to provide everything for them... I make a decent amount of money at the expense of destroying my body and working 10+ hour days, then I meet up with a nice lady that claims she loves dogs as much as I do... and the first date was literally just her grilling me about how much money I make, or how much my Jeep cost. . I left that night just devastated frankly. I never felt so hopeless and I'm only 25. I went home and snuggled with my dog and in that moment, he was the only being in the world that I felt understood and cared for me. Am I seriously going to be pushing fuckin 30 and either going to be taken advantage of or just end up lonely? I like dogs a little too much... does that mean I'm not allowed to live a happy life in a good relationship?

Does anyone have any tips for dating with a zoo attraction? Or dating in general, honestly. Because I just keep getting caught up with bad ones. What sites do you use? Do you try meetup events? Maybe meet someone at the dog park?
I've got 30 well in the rearvision mirror now; I would love to tell you it gets easier, but there really are only two options, either just be happy with your woofer as your only partner, or keep trying to find that special human by talking to and meeting people. If you find some magic formula please let us know, there are plenty here who would love to know the answer to this problem.
Я не думаю, что ценю, если парень занимается сексом с животными… просто
так что парень только рад увидеть жену с семейной собакой, их больше половины, а может и стать самцом (рогоносцем).you just call


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I'm in a relationship with a wonderful man who's planning to pop the question and it's terrifying, quite frankly.

If I want to say yes—which I do—the only moral option is to confess that I have a relationship with my dog and intend to continue it.

How many men would accept that? Very few. What's more likely is that he will be totally disgusted and out me to my friends and family.

So I think I will have to say no 😕 You really do have to be million-to-one lucky to be an ethical zoo and still get the family too.
Maybe ask what's the most kinkiest thing he's thought of and consider satisfying it? Maybe he will get their own his own haha
Maybe ask what's the most kinkiest thing he's thought of and consider satisfying it? Maybe he will get their own his own haha

Oh, I already know the answer to that. It's joining the mile high club with a flight attendant or two 😂 No, threesomes are about as kinky as he gets and Zoophilia aside I'm the same. We're actually quite well matched in that regard.
Oh, I already know the answer to that. It's joining the mile high club with a flight attendant or two 😂 No, threesomes are about as kinky as he gets and Zoophilia aside I'm the same. We're actually quite well matched in that regard.
Oh well in that case just invite your dog to be the 3rd one night. :gsd_laughing: I joke, but you could always say Fido is looking pretty horny tonight maybe we should let him join us, it gets the idea out there and if it doesn't go down well you could always pretend you were just making a joke and move on.
My daughter's father was a ship that passed in the night. I'm happy as a single mother hooking up with casual acquaintances. I don't have a pet at home so there's no question of any confrontation with my daughter as she grows up or with any other person. I simply have "friends" who are in the lifestyle whom I visit when daughter is otherwise occupied. There's a way round everything if you work at it.
Lovely arrangement and gorgeous personality you have 😍
My daughter's father was a ship that passed in the night. I'm happy as a single mother hooking up with casual acquaintances. I don't have a pet at home so there's no question of any confrontation with my daughter as she grows up or with any other person. I simply have "friends" who are in the lifestyle whom I visit when daughter is otherwise occupied. There's a way round everything if you work at it.
Easier said than done when you are the opposite gender🤣