Zoo exclusive but want a family

I talked to people with various situations about this issue.
some want to go only with animals all their life. some have a partner and keep it quite. some have kids and they are in open zoo attitude family.
Woah, so the kids know about mom and dad being zoo? And they're zoo? I would NEVER trust a kid to keep their mouth shut about anything, certainly not anything that could endanger my nonhuman partner's life/life with me.
Personally I'd love to have a human zoo partner, a nonhuman partner and for us all 3 to be married (I know someone who officiates zoo weddings). A pack is the only "family" I want. For us all to kiss and mate together, me and our male spit roasting her...me and her sucking his cock together while I fuck her...her and I in 69 while she's getting pounded and knotted with all their juices spilling on my face...us swapping his cum when we kiss, smothering him and each other with kisses, licks and cuddles in one big zooey, furry pile of love...yah that's my fantasy relationship 😍

But that's the only human family I want. I dont want kids for the reason stated above. Too risky, not worth it. If my woman has kids but they're older and moved out that's fine. But no kids living with us. I refuse to live my life in fear like that. Nope nope nope.
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My bf…only takes care of his animals!!… he’s not into any intimacy with them…. They choose 2 b with me…. An he’s all about watching them with meee…. Soooo I doo accept him … 100% !!🥰
And if he would like o do more than just take care of basic husbandry then what..
Bc you sound like a bit of a hypocrite..
Dude, what did you not understand about them already having discussed ALL this beforehand? Get your own relationship and worry about your own

Sure, you are allowed to obviously. But why be rude when
1. She said her bf wasn't into animals and enjoys watching her
2. It is their relationship, meaning their decision how it operates

Save negative mean spirited stuff for the dumpster fire.
First of all no one said anything about they had discussed all thats out of your head.
Its just from her and it is all fine if that is the way it is.
BUT those that think they (women) are fine screwing animals but dont like when the oposite sex does it are in fact hypocrites and that is a fact.
First of all no one said anything about they had discussed all thats out of your head.
Right, so you didn't gather from her comment you literally quoted that
he’s not into any intimacy with them
An he’s all about watching them with meee…. Soooo I doo accept him … 100% !!
was any sort of indication that they obviously have discussed the boundaries of their relationship?
Come on man, you don't seem dumb so why act as though it's something greater than it is.

That was my only point, they obviously have their thing and enjoy what they enjoy as any good relationship should.
And apologies if my initial comment was harsh, just didn't understand the aggressive stance you took for no apparent reason.
First of all no one said anything about they had discussed all thats out of your head.
Its just from her and it is all fine if that is the way it is.
BUT those that think they (women) are fine screwing animals but dont like when the oposite sex does it are in fact hypocrites and that is a fact.
Again …. I will explain….. it’s simply my opinion that I don’t care4…. Men(or anyone)….. doing anything to animals……I feel the animals….have no way of communicating their feelings good or bad!!!…. But that’s jus my opinion an I do not judge nor do I go around this site an preach my feelings!!!!…. As long as the animals are not physically an mentally abused!!!! I keep my mouth shut!!!🎀
Again …. I will explain….. it’s simply my opinion that I don’t care4…. Men(or anyone)….. doing anything to animals……I feel the animals….have no way of communicating their feelings good or bad!!!…. But that’s jus my opinion an I do not judge nor do I go around this site an preach my feelings!!!!…. As long as the animals are not physically an mentally abused!!!! I keep my mouth shut!!!🎀
I am not even going to go there.
Atleast not in this thread 🙂
Yea i really wish i had some one in rl to talk about this.
Its like being in some invisible prison.
It is sad to hear... I wish everyone who enjoys this lifestyle could find someone to share it with. Me being a trans woman and coming from a country that has no respect for us I understand your words ...like being in some invisible prison. Your words are so true. There people out there who do and will accept you for who you are. I found a man who
This is very true. It's not very smart to risk your family and livelihood after the fact... I myself have never told any serious lovers about my activities for fear of backlash and blackmail, and that is going to always be a fear, sadly, unless you know the other party is already a zoo, which can take a long time to find... but that doesn't mean you should give up :) If this type of partner would make you truly happy it's worth striving for it.
I wish everyone who enjoys this lifestyle could find someone to share it with. Me being a trans woman and coming from a country that has no respect for us I understand the fear it can place in you...I read these words recently....its like being in some kind of invisible prison. Very true words for being a trans woman and a zoo. There are people out there who do and will accept you for who you are. I found a man who saw who I am as a person not just as a trans woman. He saw through my depression and my tantrums. He stuck with me. He literally saved my life. My life plan was to live until I am 40 Years old (4 years away now) and if I have not found someone who accept me and wants me then I will end it.
I had to look up the meaning of the word you used... strive...it says a lot.. to struggle...to achieve.. a word I now like very much. I hope I don't offend you here with my words .. you might not like me replying. You might not like me because I am a trans woman and that's ok. I just want to share my experience to hope it makes a difference in someone else's life. To strive for what you look for.
I had the fear no man would want me because I am trans ...but I found a man who does. Then I had another fear about would he also accept me for my other secret .... My desire to live a zoo life style. I found him again... 😍. I now live a life I only saw as being other people's lives.
Please don't lose heart. As petite-pony says keep striving. There are people out there who will amaze you in how much they will accept in a person (my husband's words). I hope a 🤗 from me is ok.
I was never zoo exclusive but I think I can add something to this....

I moved away from a relationship which included zoo (dog) and basically stopped all such activities for several years before getting married, starting a family, and heading down a path like a rollercoaster that has lead me so far away from it. It is not something I could return to because I would not risk a most likely rejection, which would be life crushing. So I made my choice and while I will at times miss my previous life dearly, which explains my presence on this website, I am very happy with it now. I would not exchange it for anything.

Having both was not possible for me, but it is possible to make and be happy with choosing a family life after having enjoyed the other so so much.
This kind of reform is possible!
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I was never zoo exclusive but I think I can add something to this....

I moved away from a relationship which included zoo (dog) and basically stopped all such activities for several years before getting married, starting a family, and heading down a path like a rollercoaster that has lead me so far away from it. It is not something I could return to because I would not risk a most likely rejection, which would be life crushing. So I made my choice and while I will at times miss my previous life dearly, which explains my presence on this website, I am very happy with it now. I would not exchange it for anything.

Having both was not possible for me, but it is possible to make and be happy with choosing a family life after having enjoyed the other so so much.
This kind of reform is possible!
This has been a very useful thread for me. Zoo exclusive at the moment as I am asexual...with humans.

However, I am one of those that developing a relationship first then brings the attraction later on. Usually for most, it's the other way around.

My idealistic mindset may help me find someone who is a zoo watcher but maybe even a zoo exclusive like I am. Fearing judgment around me swears myself to secrecy, but with a trusted lover...fun stuff, deep stuff happens. I've been zoo exclusive since I was 14 and have wanted nothing more really.

Still I seek for a right-minded heterosexual relationship in the world so that one day, I've got my own children roaming around. And if any of them become zoo exclusive like I am, that is more than fine with me. Support is what gets you strength, which turns into closure. ❤️
I totally get the "i dont want him to desire animals instead of me" but I dont think its REALLY about that... Its more about accepting our desires and truths about our sexuality.

A great relationship exists when two people truly know eachother down to the roots and accept and love them for that. Having a zoosexual orientation kinda throws a whole wrench into that. It is a HUGE piece of your sexual being that you are being forced to hide deep down.

Simply having a partner that understands this affiliation and ideally allows it sometimes. For example, they are a PERFECT husband/wife but every month or so. You gotta take a trip to the mountains or to the lake with JUST your dog and thats that.

Doesn't seem that far fetched to me tbh, I mean straight normal ass men take "hunting/fishing trips" by themselves all the time. Whats the difference if he goes and sucks his dogs dick on that alone time trip? Lol
Oh, to be sexually attracted to dogs, yet wish for a normal middle class family with 3 kids and a few dogs. Do people have relationships like this? Maybe with an asexual... or even a zoo tolerant person.
Not at all. I would like to know how to find someone that accepts those parameters and have a family as well
Being in a rural area/town would make it much easier. Own several acres with a barn like structure. Trees on your land would provide privacy. Then keeping family and zoo activities separate will be easier. Zoo and Family in a town or city would be impossible to keep separate. Going for walks with dog in the hills/forest around your property would be easier.
I'm pretty much in the same situation. Seeing a lot of people in my age group around me starting to have families, i also wish to have the same in the future. Maybe with a zoo tolerant person or someone who understands or even supports my lifestyle and passion.
I thought i was alone in this matter, apparently not!
I was never zoo exclusive but I think I can add something to this....

I moved away from a relationship which included zoo (dog) and basically stopped all such activities for several years before getting married, starting a family, and heading down a path like a rollercoaster that has lead me so far away from it. It is not something I could return to because I would not risk a most likely rejection, which would be life crushing. So I made my choice and while I will at times miss my previous life dearly, which explains my presence on this website, I am very happy with it now. I would not exchange it for anything.

Having both was not possible for me, but it is possible to make and be happy with choosing a family life after having enjoyed the other so so much.
This kind of reform is possible!
Well done for being absolutely honest with yourself and then having the courage to folow through with what you knew was right for you. 😉
I'd love to have a committed, loving relationship and start a family with a lady who is active with male dogs, she could have as many kids and dogs as her heart desired. 😉😍