Vets and Suspision

checking for ticks/ drying after a bath is a good reason to notice something in my eyes. When we were at a check-up, the vet once told me to hold his head because she was going for his jewels. I said he would not react. Only to realise that might be unusual to know XD So I added that we regularly check him for ticks in the summer. I also heard from another owner that his girl had a tick on her biscuit and he only found it because she removed the tick and he saw the blood.
Vets will generally all ask on a first visit, just say you don't plan on spaying unless it's medically necessary. If they push the issue beyond your comfort level simply find a new vet. "This guy is fucking his dog!" is not what comes to mind when somebody refuses to spay, so don't worry about that. Most will be respectful of your choice.
Anyone that worries about this type of thing likely aren't adults. Who gives a fuck what the vet thinks? You owe absolutely no explaination to them about anything. Apply this thinking to everyone else in your life.
This issue is whether or not they report you to your local law enforcement. I don't know about where you live, but over here they'd take away your current loved ones and prevent you from ever getting any more animals at the least, probably with some jail time to go with that.
Uh, for not getting your dog spayed? Thats illegal now? For all other issues, unless you literally just creampied her in the vet parking lot, I would imagine you just treat it like a normal health issue and dont assume the vet thinks youre fucking her. Just say she stays outside a lot, drags that cookie in the dirt and mud lol. Having the confidence of acting like you belong somewhere eliminates the anxiety and fear you have of being somewhere. Same applies to the vet. You are just an adult bringing in your dirty dog becauzs of some discharge. They dont know youre fucking her unless you literally say it.
Uh, for not getting your dog spayed? Thats illegal now?
"Suspicion" in the context of this thread means suspicion of bestiality, and yes that is in fact illegal in most places.

The rest of what you said I agree with. There's no reason to get overly concerned, vets typically aren't going to think you're fucking your dog just because you don't get them spayed.
"Suspicion" in the context of this thread means suspicion of bestiality, and yes that is in fact illegal in most places.

The rest of what you said I agree with. There's no reason to get overly concerned, vets typically aren't going to think you're fucking your dog just because you don't get them spayed.
Fair enough, I was going based on the original post, where OP was worried specifically about not getting his 5 week puppy spayed. I assume the 9 pages of posts eventually steered the topic to suspicion of bestiality, which is a whole different ball game
Anyone that worries about this type of thing likely aren't adults. Who gives a fuck what the vet thinks? You owe absolutely no explaination to them about anything. Apply this thinking to everyone else in your life.
For me it is important to have a good relationship with our vet. Because in my experience it makes things easier when something happens.
For me it is important to have a good relationship with our vet. Because in my experience it makes things easier when something happens.
I agree, after using 6 different vets, I found my perfect one half an hour outside the city. Dude is so chill he only sees like 10 patients a day maybe. This one actually agreed when I said I wouldn't neuter. He said "neutered or un-neutered both have their problems but for bigger dogs its best to keep em intact. Just be sure he doesnt get loose and has puppies" I can tell he was purposefully advising against his ingrained vet school propoganda.
All animals need re productive organs to fully develop wither male or female as a vet only spay or neuter them if it is medically necessary to there heath. Yes most vets well good one will know if your dog is sexually active but it is not know if they are having sex with another dog or human. some vets will have a suspicion but wont report anything with out proof. With this said if your dog is sexual active you should keep up on there check ups for there well being and not worry about yourself being caught with them sexually but more on there health.
Yes most vets well good one will know if your dog is sexually active but it is not know if they are having sex with another dog or human
I've often wondered why people just don't play dumb and say that your female dog was exposed to a male dog. To my knowledge, a vet isn't doing a DNA test or anything, but I'm curious, what sort of evidence would a Vet need to find to report the person? How exactly could they tell if their sexual partner was a human and not another dog?
I've often wondered why people just don't play dumb and say that your female dog was exposed to a male dog. To my knowledge, a vet isn't doing a DNA test or anything, but I'm curious, what sort of evidence would a Vet need to find to report the person? How exactly could they tell if their sexual partner was a human and not another dog?
In all my years of being a vet its almost impossible to know if a dog is sexually active with another dog or person. it would be a judgement of the owner witch is still just an option not facts
I like to think the other way, took one of my studs to get collected new place new vet, I was greet by a young lady cute as hell she knew what she was doing :)
tight pants n vpl loose top she was smoking hot lol
In all my years of being a vet its almost impossible to know if a dog is sexually active with another dog or person. it would be a judgement of the owner witch is still just an option not facts
That's what I was thinking. I could be wrong, but I'm of the opinion that their fearful reaction is what convinces the vet somethings up. Which is why I always thought it'd be easier to deflect any accusations with a joke and saying she was around male dogs.
I've often wondered why people just don't play dumb and say that your female dog was exposed to a male dog. To my knowledge, a vet isn't doing a DNA test or anything, but I'm curious, what sort of evidence would a Vet need to find to report the person? How exactly could they tell if their sexual partner was a human and not another dog?
At least if you cum in your female dog it would be possible.
If a sperm sample could be collected from her, the shape of dog and human sperm cells is diffrent. That could be identified with a microscope.
At least if you cum in your female dog it would be possible.
If a sperm sample could be collected from her, the shape of dog and human sperm cells is diffrent. That could be identified with a microscope.
Would there be a reason to collect a sperm sample or even to look at it? How long does cum stay inside her or how recently would someone have to cum in her for the vet to be able to collect the sample? Also why would a vet even be looking there to begin with?
Would there be a reason to collect a sperm sample or even to look at it?

Uhh.. randomly? At a veterinary? No.
Even if she has an infection and there's swabbed mucous membrane cells sent into a labor, you usually don't have "sperm experts" sitting there on the analysis, not to talk about why they would analyze the shape and form of the sperm for any reason "randomly", if their job would actually be linked to defining an effectively working (destroying) antibiotic medical for the build-up bacteria from an infection, as example.

How long does ejaculate stay in her.. if you go for a walk afterwards, she pees two, three times and walks for half an hour, most will be outside. The movement together with peeing and self-cleaning by licking, the build up wetness getting ejected towards the opening quite quickly.

There are surely small amounts of sperm left, but it is plain impossible to take "an analysis of the whole surface of a female dog's reproductive organs internal mucous membrane" to find remaining sperm for no other good than "to find something to prove you as someone who copulated with this female dog". Hell, the amount of time and work which would go into this.. unbelievable.