Banned Websites

What is kufirc?
If you don't know it doesn't matter. Why the flying hell would you want an invite to something you've never heard of?

If someone stood on the corner yelling "I got free tickets to the ICKM" would you be all over that, when you don't even know what the ICKM is? FYI I just made that up meaning Intermural Crotch Kicking Match, sounds like a fun thing jump into when you don't know what you're getting into doesn't it?
"But... But... It for free... I want in" 🤣

Well, considering the invite is posted in the "Banned Websites" thread, the offer does not look specially promising 😓
It's like hosting a secret club in a public space. Ughhhh totally not suspicious.

The equivalent of meeting your dealer in a police station lol
Jeezus, I can clearly see there are advantages to not being a porn hound/monger. I haven't even heard of the OP's list of sites let alone ever visited them. There is an ample supply of animal porn here on ZooVille which I will visit and comment on. My focus is trying to educate and inform regarding intimate relationships with equines dispelling inaccurate myths. Fantasy is wonderful as long as it has some basis in fact and reality...
If you don't know it doesn't matter. Why the flying hell would you want an invite to something you've never heard of?

If someone stood on the corner yelling "I got free tickets to the ICKM" would you be all over that, when you don't even know what the ICKM is? FYI I just made that up meaning Intermural Crotch Kicking Match, sounds like a fun thing jump into when you don't know what you're getting into doesn't it?
I'm asking what it is because I was curious, not asking for an invite to it. I'm not ignorant of internet safety
Wow. The level of stupid exhibited in this comment is staggering. Tiny brain.
How many viruses in videofiles did you see? Dont want to know. Just suck my left tit you fuckin lemming.

You overestimate peoples intellectual ability to differentiate between video, zip, exe, ini and whatever the hell else can be included in downloaded files. Case and point, you thinking video files can be clean.

Google is a tool with good uses, unlike you.
You have absolutely ZERO knowledge about IT. If you think malware or any kind of compromised data is absolutely normal in videofiles like mp4, mkv and so on then youre just hilarious. Btw. files with extensions outside of normal videofiles are forbidden.
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How many viruses in videofiles did you see? Dont want to know. Just suck my left tit you fuckin lemming.

You have absolutely ZERO knowledge about IT. If you think malware or any kind of compromised data is absolutely normal in videofiles like mp4, mkv and so on then youre just hilarious. Btw. files with extensions outside of normal videofiles are forbidden.
you must be fairly young.

Back in the lime wire days quite a few.

you literally caused the aggregate IQ drop on this web site with your post.
How many viruses in videofiles did you see? Dont want to know. Just suck my left tit you fuckin lemming.

You have absolutely ZERO knowledge about IT. If you think malware or any kind of compromised data is absolutely normal in videofiles like mp4, mkv and so on then youre just hilarious. Btw. files with extensions outside of normal videofiles are forbidden.
Enough already, enjoy your month vacation and learn some manners.
At this point should probably just consider adding kurfic and zootracker to the banned list, since every single mention of them comes with 50 "ME WANT INVITE RAAAAA" posts. Plus, torrents could technically be considered the same as file sharing links, which aren't allowed.
How many viruses in videofiles did you see? Dont want to know. Just suck my left tit you fuckin lemming.

You have absolutely ZERO knowledge about IT. If you think malware or any kind of compromised data is absolutely normal in videofiles like mp4, mkv and so on then youre just hilarious. Btw. files with extensions outside of normal videofiles are forbidden.
Bye stupid. Hit me up when you get back from vacation and try again.....
I swear, the idiots must grow on the shrubbery.....they dont even need trees anymore
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Seems someone did not put many points into INT. The exchange about who is the possible scammer before was bizarre.
Is there a forum rule that says one has to have manners? Or was he banned just for being mean outside the DF?
4posts and was trying to whore out links to off site torrent sites, that was just in here, never mind what ells they may have posted ells where, then flexed their smooth brain when called out on an error