What should I do if I have allergies?


Zooville Settler
My greetings to all zoo lovers. I have a little problem. I, like many readers, am excited by dogs, but unfortunately I am allergic to them. My symptoms that I know are nasal congestion sneezing and itchy eyes. I'm afraid that if a male enters me or I enter a bitch, then we will not separate. Is it so? Will anti-allergenic products help? Can asthma start? What can you recommend?

I assume you are allergic to dog dander and not specifically cum? Keep in mind dog cum is a different allergen and you might be severely alergic to that, enough to put you in the hospital, even if you seem to be mildly allergic to dog dander. I suggest asking your doctor (about pet dander only) and doing research online. We can give you some ideas but I don't suggest taking medical advice here. Some people have luck with desensitization where they expose themselves to the dog allergen a little at a time very frequently. I know someone who has seen success but it took months and years for him. Some people do have success with over the counter allergy products.
I thought there was one protein in both semen and dandruff. I think I'll try to put a little on the scratch on my hand on occasion