Shocked and hopeful


When I found this website I felt like I found a little bit of heaven! I was shocked to actually be able to see folks in my area also into this. Hoping I can very slowly get to know some folks nearby.

I’m super thankful for the work people have put into this website with some great threads, especially with the tips about privacy!
I felt that way also. It's nice to know you aren't alone.
There are some bad actors on this site but then again that's literally every single website in existence so it is what it is. All I can say is be careful, dont trust too quickly and stay safe.
I felt that way also. It's nice to know you aren't alone.
There are some bad actors on this site but then again that's literally every single website in existence so it is what it is. All I can say is be careful, dont trust too quickly and stay safe.
Yes I am sure that’s with almost any site but also ones like this for sure! I’m cautious by nature, so it took a while to even sign up for an account here 😂
Yes I am sure that’s with almost any site but also ones like this for sure! I’m cautious by nature, so it took a while to even sign up for an account here 😂
Same. I really never had much of a reason to reach out to the community for the longest time and I'm still not 100% sure why I did but it's been really nice here thus far.
Sounds exactly like how I feel, it's nice to be able to have other members share their experiences and tips for how they go about things. Really enjoying this place so far, I should have been more interactive ages ago!