Retirement and Passing the Torch.

We gonna finally get a rule against dick pic avatars, or at least install the addon that lets users auto blur them, which ZT refused to even consider, so we don't have to be sexually harassed?
Not arguing with you but i'm actually curious how you apply sexual harassment to profile pics? Just curious if you can cite case law or if this is being debated by legal scholars. I know there’s a debate in VR about how avatars are not people so sexual harassment laws do not apply (yet). I would very much like to see the dump 🔥 hidden on demand tho.
Everyone is hated. Probably me more than most. I don't suffer fools easily. Argue, piss and curse at me all you want, but break a rule and I'm on it.
How could anyone hate that fluffy face and big boopable nose? :love: I'm sure you're just as cute an likeable as your pfp, right?
Thank you so much for your incredible work, it seems to me you really own a wand 🪄
Also, hope your personal life to take a good turn. I wish you as much success in your personal affairs as you have achieved in the Union 🤗
I would like to PM you if allowed 🙄
I think what many people forget is that this is a HUGE monolith of a site, essentially governed by 16 technical staff members, only about 9 of which consistently monitor this site on a day-to-day basis. It's a ratio of 16:223,000 members on the site. And you might say... oh but most of those 223,000 accounts are either abandoned, duplicates, loss password dead accounts, etc... but to put it into perspective ZooVille gets around 9,000 to around 10,000 individual user logins per day, and an average of 1,500 posts per day. Yes, per day. It's massive. We, the active staff team, try our very best to manage this forum. But, it's not perfect. The very idea of "perfect" is unobtainable... it's a complete fantasy. Someone, somewhere, somehow will always find problems no matter what we do. It's an inevitability.

It takes a certain breed of people, a breed of crazy, to take on this role of moderator/administrator, unpaid mind you, because they want to see betterment within this community of a webspace. Are we perfect? Pffft... no, myself included, nobody's perfect. Again, perfect is unobtainable. We simply do our best. For some people "our best" is good enough, and for others "our best" isn't good enough. That's just how the "civilized" world works.

Like mentioned before, don't expect HUGE massive, shocking, unthinkable, dramatic, over-the-top... etc. change on this website. I plan to makes some changes over time here and there, probably one of the first being to separate the Dumpster Fire from the general sections into it's own category between the general sections and the porn. And over time small changes will be made. That's been the case since the beginning of this website. We no longer allow fence hopping, we don't allow food bating, we don't allow hobbles, we've clarified some of the albeit limited rules of the DF, we've reworked many of the overall rules over the past nearly 5 years. Things will eventually change for the better, but don't get your hopes up for rapid change that you personally want to see immediately done. It's a balancing act, but being too rash too quickly will more than likely have the unintended consequence of tipping the scales unfavorably.
Sounds sensible.
I wish you good luck (although I don't believe in it much) in the new stage you are beginning.
If ZTHorse trusts you, so do I!
Also... are I allowed to PM you? 🙄
Hey everybody,

As if late, i havent been very active on the forum and mostly been in the background taking care of things.

However my personal life has taken a bad turn and it has drawn me further and further away from zv in my focus and time. I dont see this situation getting any better for awhile and i understand that its probably better to pass the torch to the next generation of zoos.

Especially while things are at their peak and fuctionally stable. So @FloofyNewfie Will become the next nexus for ZV, and will be taking over all social, judgements and everything I managed with this forum.

And I trust him to do so. You should too. I will be around for the next few months as it takes time to move things into the new administration. I have a few things to wrap up. A few research papers in the pipeline, the comic will be fully released, financials, connections and contacts for the ads.. etc etc...

This is a big jump for the zoo community ive been serving for 6 years to my best ability. It started in 2019 and will wrap up this year.

Its been quite a fun ride, and helping to shape the entire zoo community to what it stands for, how to manage it, make it community involved, self funding, and a massive leap from BF and what it was before I got involved.

And i couldnt do it alone, to every moderator and the key people who help keep the servers running besides the constant attack, I and we all owe you a debt of gratitude.

A state of the union lol or forum of how things currently are

-the ideological formation and foundation of the forum being free-speech centric, libertarian minded, public space. It has had its ups and downs, but i cannot imagine the zoo community wanting to go back to worshipping moderators or admins, instead challanging them with real questions of where the community is going.

Ive been known to troll once in awhile, but in reality, this forum has operated with these idealogical principles, but its future rests now with floofys decisions. Im sure you will definately hold his feet to the fire just like for me.

-Helping other zoos in their projects.

Zooier than thou, Being the most successful, had their start from here and now is really nice to see its become matured.

Bestia amore, equibooru, the french and german zoo forums... we help other zoo with their projects. Thats the principle and have a non-prejidiced outlook so long as non-abuse is shown.

-Zoo Pride Week being a brainchild of mine, proving to be a successful celebration for 5 years now. Im glad to those who chose to meetup irl and leave the shadows because of these set aside dates. Really i think this is the biggest glue between real people i could have done to encourage. I hope this will continue.

-going from porn funding of Beastforum to 100% community funding and screened advertising to fund the forum.

-the careful controlled asset management of donations that is currently allowing the forum to grow. Investing in small zoo positive projects when possible.

-contacting scientists, conducting research and using zv as an asset for google scholar. This is has been a huge undertaking and its produced some peer reviewed papers. exists. Still needing a dedicated writer and manager lol. But it exists and thats a future project.

-zeta chronicles was community funded and created. The remaining pages will be released shortly and its been positive!

-Those whom have come to me behind the scenes with secrets that ive kept for safety of the zoo community. To protect zoos in various nations, your trust in me has always humbled me. These are real people in real danger, and I can say in confidence that it wasnt misplaced.

Loose lips sink ships and my mind is at ease, things were solved in complete quiet confidence. I am honored with that responsibility.

-Rulemaking, judgements and forum policy i served as the final judge and set forth standing rules and case law for the next administration. Of which, will change or not but solely up to them to rudder this ship.

Lastly, in the end, ive always be an adovocate for the protection, love and genuine union zoos have with their animal mates. Really, it comes back to the beautiful animals we love and serve wholeheartedly.

This forum, is human stuff. Our animal mates dont care but only care that we love them. If this forum HELPS the humans love their animals more, teaches them to love more and corrects bad behaviors towards animals, then its a gem that should be protected.

The moment that stops, it is you the community that should carpet bomb this place and start anew. Let that be the final crossing line of this forum.

I loved this community, and i may pop in time to time but i will just be that, a citizen, a retiree. To take the example of george washington, and to hand power over to become just a regular joe.

Thats were I have to go, and hang my hat. I only wish and pray that ive done good for real people, their animals and the world.

Its time for floofy to take the throne soon, and may we all give our blessing for this transition. We are going to need it.
Thanks for the time and hard work.

Hoping your situation straightens itself out for you and you can come back to enjoy yourself.

Best wishes and kindest regards
FR ;
Que de bonnes choses vous arrive et une bonne continuation en votre avenir, vous avez eu les épaules bien hase larges pour garder une telle responsabilité et au nom de tous les ZoO, personne ne peut-être à la hauteur des actions faites en votre nom et nous vous remercions tous !

Je pense que l'heure est au revoir, d'un grand maître et de passer le flambeau à Floofy (sans vouloir être ingrat !)
je pense également que Floofy lui a aussi de fortes épaules pour gérer le forum et aussi garder un certain silence de tombe.

En somme, ZTHorse, nous sommes avec vous !
Vous êtes en quelque sorte un "DIEU" pour les zoos, car d'autres forums du style, n'ont, jamais tenu aussi longtemps que zooville (et aussi bien géré du même !)
EN ;
May all good things come your way and may you continue in your future, you've had very broad shoulders to keep such a responsibility and on behalf of all the ZoO, no one could possibly live up to the actions taken on your behalf and we all thank you!

I think it's time to say goodbye to a great master and pass the torch to Floofy (without wishing to be ungrateful!).
I also think that Floofy has strong shoulders to manage the forum and also keep a certain grave silence.

In short, ZTHorse, we're with you!
You're something of a "GOD" for zoos, because other forums of this kind have never lasted as long as zooville (and as well managed, too!).