Question.Disable auto follow



I'm sorry. I don't know if this is the correct section for this. But does anyone know how to disable auto follow on every conversation we post? It gets a bit annoying.

Thank you very much.

I'm sorry. I don't know if this is the correct section for this. But does anyone know how to disable auto follow on every conversation we post? It gets a bit annoying.

Thank you very much.
Tap on your icon at the top of the page. Tap preferences. Scroll down to the different check box sections to customize your settings.
Thank you very much for your help Miss Zoo.
And don't bother with the others. People that just take time of their day to mock others are one of the most sad people on earth. I pity them.
Thank you very much for your help Miss Zoo.
And don't bother with the others. People that just take time of their day to mock others are one of the most sad people on earth. I pity them.
No problem at all. Don’t let anyone get to you on here. You never know what some people might be dealing with so they might come off a bit negatively or something. Also it is pretty late for most Americans. Sleepy brain is also cranky brain.