Pet clothes

Some do look rather silly, never have dressed any of mine in more than a sweater when its cold. (she will fight over it too, and she is 120 pounds)
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Depends, my oldest girl has a coat and boots; she's a shorthair, ice can be sharp, and -30C is fucking cold.
Anyone who thinks that's silly can come here in the winter, strip down, then run out in the yard to shit. :p

As for decorative clothes, whatever. If the dog doesn't mind, neither do I.
Some dogs need it in certain weather.

I like putting some clothes on my dogs because it's funny and kinda cute. My male dog is used to it and doesn't care.
I will put a scarf on them during cold winter days.. They don't need it but I cannot resist.:ROFLMAO:
It depends on the overall look and if it will help the dog. My mom has a little yappy shorthair that needs boots and a coat in the winter, while my newest will likely have a thick coat and be fine. I'm still making him bandanas and the occasional costumes though.