Overrated garbage, got a list? Genre and platform don't matter

Facebook is overrated.

Game of thrones somewhat. I just don't see the appeal with all the sex in it.

The Simpsons I can watch it but it's very overrated in my opinion.

King of the Hill seems very simple to me
For once my "Wow" is actually a wow. Why recycling of all things? It's better to reuse something than for it to become needless and useless waste that takes up space.
Most recycling is good for the environment. I was mainly talking about recycling plastic, which has been shown to not be viable for the economy or environment. If you're interested, here's a couple of articles about it.

and an easy to digest youtube video just for poops and chuckles

I will admit I am not an expert on this nor have I exhaustively researched it. These are just a few points I had come across over time.

But I recycle to crap out of everything else. I'm not a monster lol
vocaloid/“anime” music. Not generalizing, but the majority is so fucking bad and all sounds the same! Those shitty fucking electric guitars!!! I can’t understand how anyone actually listens to it, it legit feels like ai generated music. So bland and nothing.