New to ZooVille


hello all! I ran across this site and figured I'd make an account and say hello. bi, late-30s dude in the CA bay area, eternally struggling with being a closet zoo and looking for ways to talk with other like-minded folks without straight-up outing myself to any of my social groups. I'm sure this is an experience many can relate with. ;)

I started being attracted to canines in my teens, and thanks to a few choice experiences over the years with some very endearing dogs, still have an extremely strong affinity for the softer species we're all lucky to share our lives with. I've likewise been fortunate to meet a few locals I could trust over the years, and with that came a few more experiences that really helped me explore my attractions even further and come to terms with my feelings. (I'm also kinda interested in equines, mostly as a fantasy, but have my own desires that hopefully I can fulfill someday with the right friends or partners.)

anyway, I'm mostly joining this site to have an outlet for all of my feelings in a place that seems safe/anonymous and, importantly, isn't a complete trash-heap like BF was. ? it's nice to see some of the better users from that site also active here.

...and as you might have guessed, yeah, I'm also active in the furry community, but to protect myself and others, won't be linking any info between my accounts/personas publicly here.

nice to share this space with all of you, look forward to participating as I have time.
Welcome! I get the feeling there are a lot of furries trying to find solidarity since all the puritanical children have been taking over the social media.
Welcome! I get the feeling there are a lot of furries trying to find solidarity since all the puritanical children have been taking over the social media.
yeah, hard to know what the deal is. people are just looking for attention and using derision and easy targets to get there. sign of the times, I guess. hating on each other is the new national pastime in this country.
yeah, hard to know what the deal is. people are just looking for attention and using derision and easy targets to get there. sign of the times, I guess. hating on each other is the new national pastime in this country.
And another sign of the times, "the times" being September, we suddenly saw a huge reduction in hate posts as the kids mostly went back to school.

I think we underestimate how many children have flooded our internet.