My Rabbit


Hey everyone. I'm new here and hoping to make some friends.

I've never had a zoo experience before, due to me not having access to any suitable animals. I do, however, have a male rabbit who's almost 2 years old. Obviously, penetrative sex is not an option here. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for what I could do. The most I've done so far is masturbate in front of him. I have considered giving him oral but not tried it yet. Any suggestion so are welcome. Thank you.
the only suggestion i have is, try it with someone who can fit you/you can fit in.... not much besides that. sorry.
oral perhaps. Dont know about that, but I cant see licking causing harm, and he just might enjoy it too. All you can do is try, but generally there is no reason any mammal would not feel pleasure from oral stimulation.
It's going to depend on his level of socialization/fear of humans and if he thinks of you as another rabbit. If he thinks of you as a fellow rabbit, eventually your gonna get humped directly. If not, show him a fluffy stuffed animal. If he's interested, he'll stamp, honk and perhaps even spray it with urine. While he's humping, make a fist let him poke his penis into the tube formed of your curled up fingers. The trigger tends to be temperature related, so you may have to warm up your hand in a bucket of hot water to be more like the temperature of the inside of a female rabbit.

When he orgasms, he will give a powerful thrust, ejaculate, and fall of and be stunned for a few seconds. Your hand will have serve as a steady backstop because it is quite a spasm. If the rabbit loses his grip while he's doing it, it will be painful for the rabbit. Rabbit spines are fragile. For that reason, I don't think the rabbit would appreciate oral. The rabbit will likely not orgasm if he doesn't think he has a good grip on what he's humping.