more language discussion areas


Citizen of Zooville
as of now there's only a section for bestiality discussions in other languages, and not many of them. maybe a section in general called "other languages than english" and then a bunch of subsections for many languages which people can make threads in.

i think it would help this site gain more users, or at least more active ones.
I would actually like to see those sections gone entirely.
We are a small team of mods. Some of us speak multiple laguages, but we are not capable of effectively moderating even the sections in other languages we currently have.

English should be a requirement of using the forum.

At present those sections are provably full of stuff we would have deleted or banned people for if it was in English.
As evidenced by occasional reports from people who do speak those languages.
There are also two sections where you can speak in other languages and both are large. It is quite sufficient.

Even this size causes problems for moderation in several ways.
"Hiring" more mods is not an immediate solution. Because the pool of people who we can trust to be good mods while also wanting to be mods is very small especially if you can not verify how they do their job.
I know.
There is also a problem with the speak of smaller languages countries (10-20 million people) that the moderator can easily lenient the inhabitants of his own country.
Being a mod also puts additional requirements on your time and mental fortitude.
Because the moment you become a mod, you become a target. Not only for users on the forum but also potentially for anyone attacking the forum.
Although there is Google translate staff having to translate posts in order to monitor them is an unfair demand on their time. The burden of language should rest on the member, they should be the ones to use Google translate to post their threads and comments in English.
What would be great if there were staff that can read and understand those languages. Lord knows whats actually typed there, and some posts that are possibly for personals that should not be there.
Don't think we're trying to be discriminatory towards other languages. But it comes to moderating them.
If anything it would be easier to get rid of the ones we have rather than add new languages. But I don't plan on removing the ones we have anytime soon. But the sections are hard to moderate as it is.

Example 1: Below

Lord knows whats actually typed there, and some posts that are possibly for personals that should not be there.
For a couple of months there was a cat fucking thread in the Russian section of the forum, until someone finally tipped us off that it existed. It was active for those 2 months as well. This kind of shows just how well moderated those sections actually are as it is.

So, we definitely don't need more of that on our plate.
oh- completely understandable. in an ideal world things like that wouldn't exist and everyone would treat animals right, but they don't. thanks for being civil
Ideally for those other-than-English sections on the forum you would have some native speakers willing to take up the moderation. Question then is whether there are forum members with those language skills, and how you could find them. An additional issue - speaking from experience here - is that some people might speak several languages but keep silent about it because of the risk of being too easily identified by those rather specific language skills.
Ideally for those other-than-English sections on the forum you would have some native speakers willing to take up the moderation. Question then is whether there are forum members with those language skills, and how you could find them. An additional issue - speaking from experience here - is that some people might speak several languages but keep silent about it because of the risk of being too easily identified by those rather specific language skills.
exactly. it's not wise to be open about knowing more than 2-3 languages if you do. more specific.