Licking inside you mouth makes your dog trust you more?


I wonder if any of you have experienced something similar. Over the years there have been 3 different dogs, not mine, that have licked in my mouth. They were dogs I did not know too well at the time. They started to lick and I just let them do it. What I found was that once I let them lick my mouth for about 10-20 seconds, they were much more relaxed around me and were much happier to see me when we met again.
That was in line with something I saw at animal watch where she met some wolves. see "LARGE NORWEGIAN WOLVES - BITE, FIGHT & FLIGHT" 3:02
Did any of you experienced something similar?
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I never thought of it like that. The dogs i play with have learned that by licking my mouth they quickly have me in the mood for more.
So theres an instinct thing for them of licking like that to show respect/acknowledge you as an authority, and a calm response to it just puts them right at ease
So theres an instinct thing for them of licking like that to show respect/acknowledge you as an authority, and a calm response to it just puts them right at ease
i believe our dogs do not recognize me as an authority so much as a a place to enjoy some pleasures. Much of our play does place me in a submissive position to them
i believe our dogs do not recognize me as an authority so much as a a place to enjoy some pleasures. Much of our play does place me in a submissive position to them they sit or stay when you tell them to? Or go to you when the food bowl needs to be refilled? :)
I think 8n terms of body language and day to day life there is so much more you can do to make your dog more trusting. If you have a rocky relationship, this won't fix it. Also.... The amount of bacteria... Yikes
Its an instinct from wolves. WOlves lick inside mouths etc... to get a sense of trust and affirmation from whom they are licking at the time.... There's an interesting youtobe video about it here:

Hope you find it interesting... I'm not sure of the science, but it sounded interesting and sound.
Yes, the video above basically covers it, but it goes further than this point when a canine who's bonded to us senses our emotional state. They adapt, like they do with so many other things in life, and it becomes more than just a way to establish trust. Then the act becomes associated with love and in many cases a precursor to sex, although in my experience in purely zooromantic relationships with some male dogs, just the kissing alone can stir them sexually (fully knotting up in their sheath, precum squirting, humping me, etc) without any prior connections to sex having been established like providing sexual stimulation of any kind during or right after kissing in the past. Every dog can be different just like every human.
I wonder if any of you have experienced something similar. Over the years there have been 3 different dogs, not mine, that have licked in my mouth. They were dogs I did not know too well at the time. They started to lick and I just let them do it. What I found was that once I let them lick my mouth for about 10-20 seconds, they were much more relaxed around me and were much happier to see me when we met again.
That was in line with something I saw at animal watch where she met some wolves. see "LARGE NORWEGIAN WOLVES - BITE, FIGHT & FLIGHT" 3:02
Did any of you experienced something similar?
I mean, I let my dogs do it to me quite often and I feel I have good trust with those two.
It varies from dog to dog I'd say as each person's bond with their dog is different in each case most of the time. My girl will do it when she wants affection time but also do it when she wants more than just affection, more sexual desires. It's also a comfort thing as sometimes she lays beside me and snuggles in, licking at my face and my lips likely for something familiar and comforting.

For example she'll start wagging her tail and nudging my hands at first, then if I don't respond she'll lick my mouth repeatedly. Soon as I star petting her or scritching around, she'll stop. Other times she'll start whining and turn around, flag her tail at me, if I don't respond she'll put her paw on my chest and lick at my mouth until I do what she wants. It's all situational and in the body language/context in all honesty.

If you know your dog well, you can learn what their body language is, it all depends on the situation.
Long before I've been into the zoo stuff I'm let my dogs lick my face and sometimes even my mouth. From what I understand it seems they really like it. I've seen them do it with other dogs so it's probably a bonding thing. I know when dogs lick each others ears and mouths its a sign of submission and trust. Like hey I'm a friendly guy be my buddy type of thing.