Is it a dinosaur?



Sadly in 2024 most people still don't know the difference between a member of the clade "dinosauria" and just some random prehistoric animals. Even some documentaries in present-day falsely label certain extinct reptiles as "dinosaurs" when in reality they were just close relatives. In this game you must name two animals. One must be a dinosaur, the other not a dinosaur. The next person has to guess. The third person is responsible to confirm or correct the answer. If the person got it right they can choose the next two animals. If incorrect, the third person chooses the next two animals. You cannot google the answer unless you are the third person assessing the second person's response.

First set:
1) Barn owl
2) Quetzalcoatlus
1. Barn owl is a bird, birds are modern day dinosaurs.
2. Quetzalcoatlus is a flying reptile, they are not dinosaurs, they are pterosaurs.