Introduction from TX, USA


Hello everyone. Older male (69) from Texas here. Always been fascinated by zoo but never really done anything about it. Thanks to Facebook I have re-connected with an ex-girlfriend in Venezuela (49) and we chat all the time. Turns out we have similar interests in ALL aspects of sex. We are planning on setting up home with a couple of male dogs as soon as she can get out of the country. I share all the dog videos I can with her and she's very excited about our future, as am I. I think it's going to be very sticky.

I love what I've seen so far on this site and feel at home here. I hope to meet fellow zoos but given the illegality of our lifestyle in TX it will take a long time to establish good relations first.
welcome! awesome to hear about your reconnecting with an old gf! life is crazy sometimes ^_^ fellow texan here, hope you enjoy the forum