Intriguing tarot spread+ a small beckon for more spiritual friends!


So wasn't expecting myself to be so social off the cuff on here, but wanted to share something very cool that came up for me just now-
tarot is sorta my highest octave of expression and I was just communing with my deities and asked how "spirit" views zoo relations, out of curiosity, and the answer was far greater than expected, wondrous card pulls ahead!!!


The most curious and fun being Cernunnos in the centre, a Figure often associated with the eroticisms of nature, and with "The Lord" there, too, we get the implication of Us, not a you and them, an Us. We are nature! We are not removed from it!!! This is the root of speciesism, which spirit seems to hate with a paroxysm of a response. Love it, with Cerny atop the high priestess, it's telling me I already knew the answer, anyway, but my deck was eager to still give me something, quite passionately so. Ten of Cups is a beautiful way to put that wholesome sensation of feeling your loved one's fur brush your skin, the pressure of their body on yours when you're just Being, Together, or the pure bliss you garner from a day of hiking and long grass, watching your pup just relish in the pleasures, all the smells, the act of being alive, again, Together. An Ineffably beautiful and fulfilling sensation. Pure Love. Hard to express without feeling incredibly moved by these pulls. I am so very glad I did this card pull.
Any other spiritual zoos out there wanting to connect to other's into astrology and the like, I am your guy!!!!!!!
Regardless of your beliefs, it's so fun to think, maybe whatever is outside of us, a greater power, or a deep web like connection to All, it wants us to connect to the world at large, and not get caught up in species- and if ya don't believe there's anything truly outside of ourselves, it's still fun to think this is what luck drew from a deck of 79 options and endless variance.
I wished there was more metaphysical discussion around zooey stuff. Afterall, it is a vastly outside looking in perspective on the human experience.
Heh, it is awfully hard for me to separate the two sometimes, for myself anyway! I think I'm far too beastly to not connect with animals on an almost divine level, with the risk of sounding Totally Woo, sometimes the idea can feel even tantric to me in some sense of the word, haha.
Hehe, as a pagan, being a zoo is a part of how I accept nature and it's forces as part of me and my life.
I fit into a spiritual place in the world, where there is peace and no words need to be spoken.

It's somehow really comforting to see this reading!
It was such a huge comfort for me to see, too!! I'm sorta pocketed somewhere between animist and spiritual alchemist, and it's for sure a key player in me being able to recognise I don't need to separate myself from the natural world. Would Love to talk about it with you in more detail sometime whenever ya fancyin a chin wag!
I’m surprised this was the only thread on this topic I could find.
I’m not super spiritual myself but I definitely do believe in the afterlife and I have anecdotal evidence that astrology is legit in regards to compatibility with others.

I’ve been curious, since most every zoo on here seems to see themselves as equals of their animal partner, do you ever give any thought to their astrological sign, particularly as it relates to yours?

Might start a thread on this topic but I’m afraid people would just think I’m a crazy hippie (which might be true 🤣).
I’ve been curious, since most every zoo on here seems to see themselves as equals of their animal partner, do you ever give any thought to their astrological sign, particularly as it relates to yours?
No, because nothing I have heard about astrology in the current sense sounds plausible to me. I think it's humbug, but I'm always open to new insights/proofs. I think astrology had more substance centuries ago, but its substantial parts have since become separate fields, mainly astronomy, but also meteorology and navigation.
I think I'm just gonna throw this out there that I'm willing to do rune or tarot reading for people if they would like it. It takes me some time so please be patient but I will read for people.

AS for the reading you pulled i think it relates very much to us as a community at large right now. It's interesting stuff. I also see zoophilia and the practice of it as a sort of spiritual practice all its own i Feel so connected to nature.